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how to clean the chiller ??

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How old is the chiller?

Are you using external thermostats?

How big is your tank?

If the size of the chiller is suitable for ur tank, there should be no problem hitting 26 degree.

You might wanna take it for servicing, or ask people (aircon servicing man) to refill the chiller gas, but for resun it might be better to just get a new chiller.

Heard stories that when resun chiller require gas refill, even after refilling, it will stop chilling efficiently after awhile, maybe some bros can verify this.

If you really wanna wash your chiller, just open it up, clean away the dust from the heat sink, and the front cover, but do so only if you know what you are doing, but i don't think it will help.

If your 7 hours refers to it kicking in continuously for 7 hours... you are burning your electricity bill and putting a lot of stress on the chiller..

I have the same chiller, am having no problem chilling it from 27 to 26 degrees in 20 mins, the chiller is around 2yrs old. My tank is a 40 gallon tank.

Just a gauge for you to use it as a benchmark.

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i am running a similar hp chiller too. hailea 300A. 2footer tank. Chiller kicks in about once every hr and chill for 10 mins.

i thk fayeth is right. you can get an aircon man to come n service and see if it will help. Thermostat could be faulty too? Are u using other thermometer to check the temp?

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Was the chiller pump the right flow rated for the chiller?

Had a similar chiller CL650, the temperature reading was erratic and keep jumping between 26-28 degrees. After switching to an external temperature controller, the problem was resolved. So you might want to switch over to an external temperature controller if the problem is not with the chiller pump.

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If removing the chiller from your sump is not too difficult, try running it on a big pail of water. Can it go down to 26 degree in a reasonable time? If not, something else is wrong besides inaccurate temperature reading on your chiller.

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If removing the chiller from your sump is not too difficult, try running it on a big pail of water. Can it go down to 26 degree in a reasonable time? If not, something else is wrong besides inaccurate temperature reading on your chiller.

Actually, you don't need remove from sump.

Just turn off the feeder/chiller pump and see if the temperature decreases.

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