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slcw's desire


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After hiding for 1 year (no marine period) and coming back late December 2010 on RSM/3ft, and after much hestiation i finally went for my desire.

This desire took 2 weeks "ding dong" after deciding to setup a new tank.

On 30th March 2011, new tank coming and old one decom.

here are the decommission pictures:

Top Left: Thanks to friend letting me their pails

Top Right: Storing the existing water

Bottom Left: Transfering the corals to holding vessel until tank ready

Bottom Right: 3ft tank clearing process


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The decom process took 3 hrs of my morning as planned :P (a day before i listed out the tasks and expected time to complete, and printed out including the items needed to complete the setup)

Next the cabinet and aquarium arrived 11.30am

Top Left: 5ft cabinet (including the 1ft side door)

Top RIght: 4ft aquarium (10mm glass - 4x2x2)

Bottom Left: Testing the level

Bottom Right: the external overflow box that is hidden by the 1ft side cabinet door (my desire)


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During the planning stage, much discussion was held between me and the LFS and some close reefers,this has resulted in the following desirable features:P

Top Left: Side door on the left cabinet for easy maintenance of the filter sock or future equipments:P

Top RIght: Oveflow pipe that goes to far end of the sump

Bottom Left: Durso in the external overflow box

Bottom RIght: Large rectangle hole for chiller pipes and wiring - no more unscrewing that 3 pin plug grrr :P


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Continuing from post 3:

On 30th managed, only to complete piping and add water and salt,

Next day added Sand

April 1 (April Fool :P) did the following

Top Left: Giesemann Razor on LFS's DIY alumimum rack suspended from ceiling (4 tubes) and LED lights too

Top Right: Lay out newspapers of the dimensions of the tank and inspect each LR and lay them around work area

Bottom Left: Scaping my ideal scaping and getting 1 reefer comments who visited me that morning :)

Bottom Right: After 3 days work


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Oh sump...hmmm no pic taken miss that out lol

Sps... Nah so many years into this hobby not a sps fan. Free frags I dun mind lol

Tank clean caused it is new

Oh I also reuse my aquaclay bio media to support the bacteria needed

Also dose bioclean too.

Later I post the media I am using

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the carpet is kinda of weird with the rock on top of it.. guess u gonna rescape tht area soon?

can we hv a zoom in on its corals? your tank corals seems to be of some collection frm the east last wk also? haha

u prob need to be careful if u hv kids at home with the magnet cleaner + the sand = scratch glass....

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The carpet anemone is probably gigantea carpet (u can look at the research article I wrote and was posted either in src or another forum)

I am not going move the anemone, it is my destinated spot for it.

So long it is not stress, receives flow to from it's waste n get fed I dun think it will move . :P


I am from the North - Malaysia lol

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The carpet anemone is probably gigantea carpet (u can look at the research article I wrote and was posted either in src or another forum)

I am not going move the anemone, it is my destinated spot for it.

So long it is not stress, receives flow to from it's waste n get fed I dun think it will move . :P


I am from the North - Malaysia lol

bro, where u hunt for livestock in North malaysia?

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