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Pseudanthias ventralis

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I know this guys are deep sea anthias, very poor shippers, and quite aggressive for their small size(9cm?).. But they are IMO the most exquisite anthias out there, and I would LOVE to have small group one day.


I was wondering those anybody here have them?

Can they be kept with other anthias species in the tank?

Any good pictures or video of them?

thanx :thumbsup:

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There are tonnes of pictures and videos on the net.

I've tried them multiple times and not a single time succeeded.

V difficult to feed enough. They eat readily but only sparingly. Within weeks the belly will be sunken and the fish will die due to malnutrition.

Constant feeding is a must and u'll enjoy great success if u can provide them constant source of food (like in a NPS setup).

They are not aggressive, and they can be kept with other anthias.

Expensive anthias, Iwarna brings them in through their hawaii shipment from time to time.

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I heard that besides constant feeding, since they are from deep waters, cooler water will go a long way with them?

Maybe we are talking about 25C or is 26C alright?

I think temperature issue is secondary as long as it is maintain around 26.

The biggest problem with ventralis is feeding enough! Once u try u will know they are v hard to feed enough. U can flood the whole tank but they will only take a few bites and the rest jux flow down to the sump and all wasted, which deteriorate the water quality and stress the whole tank etc.

I gave up on these fishes already. But there are a couple of success stories around, but v v few.

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Wow, I sure know to fell in love with the wrong one :chair:

I saw them also on a Singapore exporter stocklist, they were priced 10$ per fish... so I think they were not so expensive - or maybe exporter made a wrong ID on some anthias?!

In this hobby I figured it out that if you think you can succede with something that others didn't on multiple occasions - think again! :idea:

I will enjoy watching these guys over the net... like I used to!

Thanks for info Digiman

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