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Omar's Tank Thread


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time to fill up the rest of the tank bro. :eyebrow: :eyebrow:

(click to see my tank thread)

Skimmer : Deltec SC2560

Chiller : Sanyo 1HP Compressor with copper coil

Lighting : Ecotech Radion XR30w x 3 + 5 ft ATI power module 4 tubes

Dosing - Bubble magnus 7 channel

Main pump - reef octopus 7000

FR : Skimz phosphate reactor + FR45 Biopellet reactor

Wavemaker - Vortech 3X MP40W + 1 x sun sun

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  • SRC Member

Hey Honkit,

i am currently on sugar + bacteria in a bottle . . . But i am slowly absorbing from some reefers and would one day like to go for vodka+vinegar. . . .

No sand .... handful of rocks.... so majority of the tank is spS on glass :)

Only some rocks are in the tank to create some place to paste my frags. . . . majority of the rocks white and ugly (revive from dead rocks) are in the sump

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Hey Honkit,

i am currently on sugar + bacteria in a bottle . . . But i am slowly absorbing from some reefers and would one day like to go for vodka+vinegar. . . .

No sand .... handful of rocks.... so majority of the tank is spS on glass :)

Only some rocks are in the tank to create some place to paste my frags. . . . majority of the rocks white and ugly (revive from dead rocks) are in the sump

Yeah, with more natural rocks, your tank will be very stable. Just dose a little sugar to rid the leaching phosphates from the rocks will do since you only have 6-line wrasse in the tank.

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Ah nor ... I am immune to CO noise already ... We each have our own room .... Unlike rocky San he has CO fully support

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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Hey Honkit, i am currently on sugar + bacteria in a bottle . . . But i am slowly absorbing from some reefers and would one day like to go for vodka+vinegar. . . . No sand .... handful of rocks.... so majority of the tank is spS on glass :) Only some rocks are in the tank to create some place to paste my frags. . . . majority of the rocks white and ugly (revive from dead rocks) are in the sump

That's great - much less chances of introducing pests into your tank. It reminds me of a recent Reef Central TOTM (TonyB) who utilizes very little rockscaping.

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