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It does absorb PO4 in the long run. It depends how much and how often your top-up regime is. If it is done in regular-small proportions, there might be a likely hood it is able to manage. However if you tend to dose larger quantities at one go it might be different. I have cheato in my refugium as well, but diatoms do appear when I am lazy by topping up in larger quantities then usual with dechlorinated aged tapwater.

FOWLR Tank : 48"x24"x30"

Sump: 36"x18"x20"

Return Pump : Rio 32HF

Skimmer: Reef Octopus DNW-110

Lighting: 150W MH

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It does absorb PO4 in the long run. It depends how much and how often your top-up regime is. If it is done in regular-small proportions, there might be a likely hood it is able to manage. However if you tend to dose larger quantities at one go it might be different. I have cheato in my refugium as well, but diatoms do appear when I am lazy by topping up in larger quantities then usual with dechlorinated aged tapwater.

Im using chiller so water evaporation not so high.I intend to get DI water bought frm shop n save for topup.Only problem is water changing worry cheato not able to absorb fast enough.

My decomm 4ft FOWLR

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The idea of using DI water for top up is to firstly avoid introducing PO4 & other undesirable compounds into the tank. (Most people implement this using a DI filter hooked up from their tap water.)

Whereas for Chaeto, its purpose is mainly to absorb nitrates left over from fish poos & food. So these 2 perform different roles.

BTW, a handful of chaeto typically would not be sufficient to handle the PO4 if you top up directly from tap water.

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so FR with rowa is better than cheato?

Can't say which one is better. Individual preference. Chaeto is biological, whereas Rowa is chemical.

A fresh cup of Rowa would probably work faster than a cup of chaeto. But then, in the right environment, chaeto keeps growing more & more, whereas Rowa gets exhausted & needs replacement-->$$.

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Can't say which one is better. Individual preference. Chaeto is biological, whereas Rowa is chemical.

A fresh cup of Rowa would probably work faster than a cup of chaeto. But then, in the right environment, chaeto keeps growing more & more, whereas Rowa gets exhausted & needs replacement-->$$.

well express, i totally understand now. thanks bro

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