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tks 13

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Hi all,wanting to sell all my fishes.

Pellet feeding marine beta $60

flame angel $50

flame hawk $60

long nose hawk $20

purple tang abt 5inches $50

yellow tang 3.5inches $38

brown tang 3.5inches $12

orange shoulder 4inches $30

4ft(L)by 2.5(B)by 2(h) $280(buyer arrange transport.

typing all tis in office,cant remember what else i hv,chiller light and skimmer will post later when im home.

Pls contact me via sms 90044373.dun entertain phone call.collection shd be tis wkend(to b cmf)@ pasir ris

:ThanxSmiley: for all your time.

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Just to add on.

Abalone x3 @ $10 each

doctor fish wif me for 7mth $5

red sea sailfin abt 3.5inches $35

life rock abt 150kg include 1 huge pc tonga $200.

Hailea hc 500A chiller @ $250(nego)


flame angel $50 reserved by hp 9xxx9134

purple tang $50 reserved by hp 9xxx6645

viewing and be arrange on wk day afternoon also.collection will be after all life rock sold.

tank and other to be collect after living thing sold.

:ThanxSmiley: for all ur time.pls sms me @90044373

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Updated(Still available)

pellet feeding marine beta $60

flame hawk $60

yellow tang $38

RS sailfin $35

blue tang $25

tank set


abalonex3 $10 each.

The rest all reserved,collection date to b cmf again.

:ThanxSmiley: for all your support and time :lol:

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