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2 feet tank??

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kentkent: u could get good amount of LR for 2ft with $50 or less, and maybe another $30 for a powerhead. No changing of filter media & stuff. They serve as deco as well.

U can still find LR at $5/kg

Some LR shops r selling looks more like dying mushroom rock ..

maybe they'r selling their "handle corals" rock as LR

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I'm sure the Hong Leong guy (was it Henry or Patrick?) didn't mean that the tank will be cycled in one week.... it usually takes at least 5 to 8 weeks for the tank to cycle.

Get test kits!!

PETMART is closed on Mondays!!

Ehiem canister filters click here .

You should always use a protein skimmer. The sanders model is ideal for a 2 footer. I have a 2 footer with 1 powerhead and hang-on filter and protein skimmer. Not enough filtration... will be doing up a sump soon.

You have to note that without a sump/refugium... your fishload will be very very restricted to perhaps 4 fish at the most... with some corals or invertebrates.

I'm not a tang police, but definately no tangs for nano tanks.

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kentkent: u could get good amount of LR for 2ft with $50 or less, and maybe another $30 for a powerhead. No changing of filter media & stuff. They serve as deco as well.

U can still find LR at $5/kg

Some LR shops r selling looks more like dying mushroom rock ..

maybe they'r selling their "handle corals" rock as LR

erm guys i kinda of confuse now

wat's a powerhead???

so my tank must have live rocks, power head, protein skimmer and canister???

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Em.. those things that u mount on the side of your aquarium that creates current in your tank.

they've some pic at http://www.eaquanature.com/storeindexordering.htm

liverock act as a biofilter good enu for fish over tank (normally we would call it FOWLR - Fish Only With LiveRock) , provided that u bring enu current to them .. so powerhead is quite essential.

U can do away with canister filter with this kindof setup.

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This is what i meant liverock + powerhead + protein skimmer (its actaully my tank 1 1/2 years ago)

ive a tiny sanda piccolo skimmer on the left side of the tank... does a decent job for 15g tank

The tang is a gonner .. clown is still alive


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A powerhead is not a filter. It's a device to create water movement, also known as a pump that can be submerged underwater. It can be attached to filters to pump water through them.


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The bacteria in the sand and rocks will provide the biological filtration and the skimmer will provide the mechanical filtration.


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oh i see u mean i connect the power head to the skimmer rite

so that dirt would be trap in the skimmer while all the good bacteria

will filtrate all the biological waste rite. i am sorry if i appear very silly cos i really don't really understand what you guys mean sometimes :unsure:

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In the case above, the powerhead is more for generating tank water circulation then powering a filter. Some protein skimmers require the use of a powerhead to drive it but others only require an airstone.


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What's the general consensus on canister? I thot some say it will become a "nitrate factory". I currently use HOB with bio-ring n phosguard, in addition to skimmer n LR. But I don't like the HOB outflow - 2 much bubbles - altho I think the surface agitation will help gas exchange.

Of course, I believe a sump is best. Will do that when I convert to bigger tank one day.

BTW, if SRC members meet regularly, say bi-mthly, newbies can get on-site exposure instead of asking repeated q.

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hmmm guys can i ask something?

how much does a reasonalbly working protein skimmer cost. its seems so expensive i seen in all of the websites they cost a few hundred dollars?

i decided to get the eheim 2215 to connect into the skimmer but i need to noe how much does the skimmer cost? can someone rougly tell me how much cos i can't get live rocks so i think i could get a filter n skimmer first maybe i have only fishes in the tank,.

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can't get LR? hm..

ORCA (or OCRA..dont remember) Skimmer is good enough for 2ft tank ($20+ without pump)

then of coz if u prefer something that is not in-tank .. go for Red Sea Prizm ($200+ with pump) no replacement of airstone needed.

theres prob a lot more skimmer available in SG suitable for 2ft tank

cant give u more detail coz ive been skimmer-less & mechanical-filter-less for sometime.

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To quote Tanzy, our SRC Resident Sea Turtle,

If you have a reef tank, testkits you must have:



pH (preferably electronic)

Salinity (preferably refractometer)



If your tank is new, include:



Good to have Magnesium test kit too if keeping SPS.

Recommended Test Kits Breakdown:

Calcium, nitrate, phosphate - Salifert

Alkalinity - Seachem

Salinity - any swing arm type will do. The floating type hydrometers are harder to use. (Ref: kentkent's second question)

pH - Tetra has a decent kit for good price.

Nitrite and ammonia - the cheapest kit. You are going to use them once only during the cycling phase and are not required for regular maintenance. Only a rough indication of the presence of nitrite and ammonia is required.

The cycle is considered to be completed when the peaked, then fall and nitrate goes up.

You can read them off this thread,


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Hey Rumor

Not bad :D

getting to be an expert. :lol:

But seriously it is an over kill to get so many test kits.

Changing your water frequently and you don't even need the test kits.

It's the bare minimum already Morgan. Only 4 testkits!

Salinity meter is compulsory to make saltwater and pH to me is a must.


I find the tetra ones quite good.

A surface skimmer is a device that draws water from the surface of your aquarium helping remove scum and improve gas exchange.


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a word of advise...some PH test kits only test up to a certain range....PH for saltwater should be between 8.0-8.3

Read the range of the test kit properly...some only test up to 7.0/7.5 only :P Hence get a PH test kits that can test the higher range instead of the lower range

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