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Colourful Zoas

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Hi Zoas lovers,

Have the following range of colourful and healthy zoas frags for your zoas garden addition / collection :friends:

Collectors Series (limited stocks)

C1 - African Blue Hornet - $48


C2 - Armour of God - $48


C3 - Belladonna - $48


C4 - Cleopatra - $128


C5 - Congo Red Hornet - $48


C6 - Copper Ring - $48


C7 - Candy Apple Red - $48


C8 - Krptonite - $48


C9 - Northern Lights - $88


C10 - Peacock Eye - $48


C11 - Pink Fusion - $38


C12 - Pink Guava - $68


C13 - Strawberry Wine - $128


C14 - Sunny Delight - $68


C15 - Safe Cracker - $68


C16 - Japanese Goblin Fire - $128


Popular Series

P1- Bambam Orange - $28


P2 - Blue Rim Red PPE - $28


P3 - Watermelon - $48


P4 - Eruptions - $38


P5 - Fire and Ice - $38


P6 - Fire Ball - $38


P7 - Lights of Amazon - $38


P8 - Maryjane aka Gorilla Nipple - $28


P9 - Pink Panther - $28


P10 - Purple Death - $38


P11 - Sunflower - $38


P12 - Sunkist - $38


P13 - Stardust - $38


P14 - Yellow Melon - $38


P15 - Yenko - $28


P16 - Blow POP - $28


All the zoas frags consists of 2-4 polyps and have been on the frag plug for more than 2 months, stable and free of zoas pest. Colours of the picture has been taken and adjusted to the actual colouration to ensure wysiwyg.

Interested reefer kindly pm me for viewing and collection arrangement. No reservation, FCFS basis. :ThanxSmiley:

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Since you're so darn good at this, what's next beyond flowers and sticks? :lol:


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Since you're so darn good at this, what's next beyond flowers and sticks? :lol:

Haha,,,thanks bro :rolleyes:

Believe me, taking of flower and sticks is no kids effort.

Always believe in one thing : focus and be as good as you could possibly do, let the others be the expert in their own right :upsidedown:

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  • SRC Member

ahhh cedric, I WANt.. but... now I have a taihitian butterfly in my tank... and it seems to be having a taste for zoossss... :( some of your gems are in my office pico now because of it..

Cheers, ;)


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Wow, really nice Zoas!

Thanks Tian, glad you like it :thumbsup:

Colorful flowers, arh got to wait for the rite time to raid yr house. :friends:

Yes bro, look forward to having you over for a chat !

ahhh cedric, I WANt.. but... now I have a taihitian butterfly in my tank... and it seems to be having a taste for zoossss... :( some of your gems are in my office pico now because of it..

Ohh,,,,really ? The sunkist also transferred ??

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  • SRC Member

ahhh cedric, I WANt.. but... now I have a taihitian butterfly in my tank... and it seems to be having a taste for zoossss... :( some of your gems are in my office pico now because of it..

ya lor.. not sure why the butterfly likes zoas.. somemore is those expensive zoas! LOL

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  • SRC Member

Butterfly can't resist the colour and the Cedric power. LOL

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"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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looks like i need to convert my fresh water cube into a zoas garden...they are simply beautiful. The Jap zoa is ichi ban desu !


Hehee...the fresh water plants now got to give way to all the rainbow colours of zoas garden soon :groupwavereversed:

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Ya... he especially love to whack the sunkist.. I think no physical damage but cause it to close so now the whole bunch of sunkist in Desi's PICO

Ooo....that's an expensive taste butterfly, sure knows the best food in the tank...just like you lor :upsidedown:

Butterfly can't resist the colour and the Cedric power. LOL

Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk

Thanks to bros / sis who gotten those beautiful flowers that we gotten a chance to lay our hands on, cheers to them all :groupwavereversed:

Are the prices per frag or per polyp?

Bro, the price listed is per frag. Each frag will have either two-four polyps, depending on the way it was frag out :eyebrow:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

wa bro, long, how come log in once awhile surely will c nice stuff 1 ar?

but the price now really really amazing :groupwavereversed::groupwavereversed:

UP 4 ya bro, see if i can make a come back to zoas garden in dis 2 months anot, heehee

really miss the good old zoas keeping days

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wa bro, long, how come log in once awhile surely will c nice stuff 1 ar?

but the price now really really amazing :groupwavereversed::groupwavereversed:

UP 4 ya bro, see if i can make a come back to zoas garden in dis 2 months anot, heehee

really miss the good old zoas keeping days

Ya boy...really miss those zoas crazy days, so so fun !

I can already hear your roaring from far already hahaa

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  • SRC Member

Upz for u bro !!!

btw, your bam bam start to grow 2 small heads soon after i got from u.

goOd .. can be expecting me sOOon again..haahaha

---2Ft Cube by MarineLife---2008-2009

http://w w w.absolutereef . com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12369

Skimmer: Deltec APF600 feeder by Eheim 1250

Lighting: Solite 150MH 14k

Supplement: Giesemann T5 Razor, Actinic Plus ~22k

Top-up: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155

Return: Eheim 1260

Reactor: Skimz FR Rowaphos


---1.5Ft Cube by Iwarna---2010- ???


Tank: 1.5Ft Cube,Sump with Chengai Wood Cabinate

skimmer: Reef Oct Nw110

Return: Eheim 1250

Chiller: Hailea HC150A with feeder Eheim Compact 1000

Reactor: Phosphan with Rowaphos

Lighting: MaxSpec G2 110w,DELighting T5 ATI*2,Giesemann T5 Razor ATI*2

WaveMaker: MP10 VorTech

Top Up : ATO with Tank

-------------------------Your Advice is my Success

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Not kidding ?!

Hehee...may be the mother bambam is pregnant already and happen to deliver the babies when you got it :upsidedown:

Anyway, thanks for the upzz bro :lol:

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