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Bid: $1 - FCFS

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Healthy, Hardy Stripped Emperor Snapper up for bid begining @ $1 only, Ends 5 March 2359Hrs

Reason: Bullied by Tangs fishes in the tank & reduce Bio load.

Already caught in the fish trap.


truth remains..."Thirsty in an Ocean"

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Healthy, Hardy Stripped Emperor Snapper up for bid begining @ $1 only, Ends 5 March 2359Hrs

Reason: Bullied by Tangs fishes in the tank & reduce Bio load.

Already caught in the fish trap.

$3 to release to the wild.. to save the nature..

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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releasing non-native species into the wild may be more detrimental than good to nature..

this fish are kept in some floating fish farm in SG for consumption..

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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releasing non-native species into the wild may be more detrimental than good to nature..

Hi Lemon,

Would you perhaps like to share more in depth with regards to your view above with respect to our local shore. I remember last time having the wild idea of releasing some yellow tang / blue tang etc into our water in hope that they may find our local shore a new home :P

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • Senior Reefer

Hi Lemon,

Would you perhaps like to share more in depth with regards to your view above with respect to our local shore. I remember last time having the wild idea of releasing some yellow tang / blue tang etc into our water in hope that they may find our local shore a new home :P

many hobbyist worldwide have released "alien" species not native to their counties into the shores. this have mostly led to real problems.

for example, in the florida coast. hobbyist release lionfishes which breed and multiply and have now spread to most of the atlantic. this alien species is competing for food with other local predatory fishes there and is a nuisance.

banggai cardinals are endangered in their own natural habitat in banggai island. but hobbyists have released banggai cardinals into the wild in hope to "save the species". but this had led to more problems. yes the banggais are growing very well in the new habitat, but because banggai cardinals host anemones and sea urchins when they are young, they are taking up spaces in all the anemones and sea urchins there so much so that clownfishes and other fishes that seek shelter in anemones and urchins are ousted and have no homes.

we have no way of knowing what introducing an "alien" species into another habitat that it is not found in will do. thus, it's best not to in the first place. if you release one yellow tang, it's fine. but there's hundreds of hobbyist here and all we need is for someone to release 1 more, and then now there's 2. if they breed, and proliferate to big proportions, then it could be detrimental to the local shores. like for example, they clear the whole area of algae and starve the other fishes.

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many hobbyist worldwide have released "alien" species not native to their counties into the shores. this have mostly led to real problems.

for example, in the florida coast. hobbyist release lionfishes which breed and multiply and have now spread to most of the atlantic. this alien species is competing for food with other local predatory fishes there and is a nuisance.

banggai cardinals are endangered in their own natural habitat in banggai island. but hobbyists have released banggai cardinals into the wild in hope to "save the species". but this had led to more problems. yes the banggais are growing very well in the new habitat, but because banggai cardinals host anemones and sea urchins when they are young, they are taking up spaces in all the anemones and sea urchins there so much so that clownfishes and other fishes that seek shelter in anemones and urchins are ousted and have no homes.

we have no way of knowing what introducing an "alien" species into another habitat that it is not found in will do. thus, it's best not to in the first place. if you release one yellow tang, it's fine. but there's hundreds of hobbyist here and all we need is for someone to release 1 more, and then now there's 2. if they breed, and proliferate to big proportions, then it could be detrimental to the local shores. like for example, they clear the whole area of algae and starve the other fishes.

Due to the climate change, the reef environment is already in danger.

Release unharmful fishes to the nature, will do more good than harm. Of cos not into the canal..

Anyway, if the fishes is feeding good and growing. Can you be sure or certain that ur pet does not end at the next owner?

That is what happening to around us.. people is just buying fishes to put in the tank without proper care.

Or some LFS is getting fishes without quarantine them, if you bring back home 80% they just died.

Unless u quarantine them urself. Also poor water quality water at that LFS, fishes not sold away is like left there to die.

I saw it too many times... at some where.. not to mention.

And that is why, LFS bringing so many fishes. Most fishes ended the same way by some owner.

And hoping to release fishes back to nature able to maintain the balance that problem actually caused by us the reefers.

People buy more, suppliers will get more.. and this is the way it is.

Some notes if releasing fishes to the nature:

- Is it able to survive or look for food?

- Is it poisonous fish?

- Is the area u releasing is suitable?

- Does it pose a threat to other species in the wild?

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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singleisure post at 0000hrs... bidding suppose to end at 2359hrs... he is 1 min late. :thumbsup:

I second this. In life, you get a negative reputation if you don't honor your word.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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I second this. In life, you get a negative reputation if you don't honor your word.


Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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For the record, I don't cordone releasing unwanted pets into the wild. It's a very irresponsible behaviour. The livestock did not choose you, You chose the livestock. You have the resposibility for it's survival and wellbeing. If you have an unwanted pet that you are not able to sell, you can donate it back to the fish shop. Some shops like AM accepts unwanted pets to be rehoused elsewhere.

Meanwhile, this species (Lutjanus Sabae) is not an alien to our waters. It's native range is the western pacific. http://tinyurl.com/4qn8aol

This however, doesn't mean that it is okay to release it in our waters. It is used to being fed in captivity, so it might starve to death in the wild. It could also have received alien parasites and pathogens while in captivity and these could could be introduced to local waters and harm local livestocks.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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well rules are rules, and i set the rules myself too. i will honor the bid before 12 midnight, which will be gooffish. Gooffish please pm me your contact and your preferred time and day, and i will call you regarding collection.

hi singleisure, my sincere apologies as i miss looking at the timing captured by the server at which you placed the bid.

truth remains..."Thirsty in an Ocean"

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I'm sure it was an honest oversight. Thanks for keeping this forum clean.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • Senior Reefer

Due to the climate change, the reef environment is already in danger.

Release unharmful fishes to the nature, will do more good than harm. Of cos not into the canal..

Anyway, if the fishes is feeding good and growing. Can you be sure or certain that ur pet does not end at the next owner?

That is what happening to around us.. people is just buying fishes to put in the tank without proper care.

Or some LFS is getting fishes without quarantine them, if you bring back home 80% they just died.

Unless u quarantine them urself. Also poor water quality water at that LFS, fishes not sold away is like left there to die.

I saw it too many times... at some where.. not to mention.

And that is why, LFS bringing so many fishes. Most fishes ended the same way by some owner.

And hoping to release fishes back to nature able to maintain the balance that problem actually caused by us the reefers.

People buy more, suppliers will get more.. and this is the way it is.

Some notes if releasing fishes to the nature:

- Is it able to survive or look for food?

- Is it poisonous fish?

- Is the area u releasing is suitable?

- Does it pose a threat to other species in the wild?

nope. doesn't make any sense. alien species should not be released into the wild where they do not belong in. period.

no arguments about it. there are countless of case examples of alien species wreaking havoc on local populations. case in point the cane toad and many other examples.

so no, i do not condone it, and neither does the majority of wild life enthusiasts. in certain countries, releasing alien species will get you fine and sent to jail.

like releasing snake heads in U.S.A. do so, and you'll be fined and thrown into jail.

For the record, I don't cordone releasing unwanted pets into the wild. It's a very irresponsible behaviour. The livestock did not choose you, You chose the livestock. You have the resposibility for it's survival and wellbeing. If you have an unwanted pet that you are not able to sell, you can donate it back to the fish shop. Some shops like AM accepts unwanted pets to be rehoused elsewhere.

Meanwhile, this species (Lutjanus Sabae) is not an alien to our waters. It's native range is the western pacific. http://tinyurl.com/4qn8aol

This however, doesn't mean that it is okay to release it in our waters. It is used to being fed in captivity, so it might starve to death in the wild. It could also have received alien parasites and pathogens while in captivity and these could could be introduced to local waters and harm local livestocks.

yes L. sebae can be found here. but the overall release of alien species is an example and should not be done. good point you brought up on responsible reefing.

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