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Weekly Update - 28th Feb to 06th March 2011

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Bought a 3/3.5" Sohal tang from CF. Very swee and pellet feed. First day, whacked by the bigger brown taNG. 2ND DAY, brown tang avoid it. brown tang has fresh battle scars on its body. New sohal has a cut on its head. yellow tang now turns its attention to the sohal. Sohal will come back after every hit. It will be a matter of time before yellowtang gets it due.

Go for it ! Sohal, the most beautiful Tang


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  • SRC Member

Bought a 3/3.5" Sohal tang from CF. Very swee and pellet feed. First day, whacked by the bigger brown taNG. 2ND DAY, brown tang avoid it. brown tang has fresh battle scars on its body. New sohal has a cut on its head. yellow tang now turns its attention to the sohal. Sohal will come back after every hit. It will be a matter of time before yellowtang gets it due.

Go for it ! Sohal, the most beautiful Tang


i think you should isolate your brown and yellow for a few days and let them see the sohal swim freely.. than release them again in a few days time. thats why i did when i intro new tangs.

anyway how many red note u got your sohal.

i went pinnacle during the weekend, ask them, only to know its for export.

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A list of rare fishes available for ORDER thru M3morph.

- Holocanthus clarionensis with lateral line

- Pomacanthus zonipectus

- Genicanthus melanospilos, pair

- Hemitaurichthys zoster

- Gramma dejongi

- Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, male

- Cirrhilabrus balteatus, pair

- Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus

- Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, male

- Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis, pair

- Arothron citrinellus

- Equetus punctatus

- Captivity Bred Amphiprion percula, platinum

- Centropyge joculator

- Lipogramma klayi

Do pm M3morph our sponsor if u're interested in any of the fishes.

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i think you should isolate your brown and yellow for a few days and let them see the sohal swim freely.. than release them again in a few days time. thats why i did when i intro new tangs.

Just came back from work. Yt has left the Abrabian Tang alone. Good. Thanks for for advice, dude.:ThanxSmiley:

anyway how many red note u got your sohal.

2 fat ladies.


i went pinnacle during the weekend, ask them, only to know its for export.

AM have mccosker flasher wrasse

Thats a very handsome fish :groupwavereversed:


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LCK today:

Picasso (good price)

black clowns

pearl-eye clarkis

Juv mystery wrasse

Juv Blue Angel

Queen Angel

Royal Gamma

Purple Tang

Sohal Tang


3x very nice Chaetodon larvatus Cuvier

2x Rolland damselfish

Huge clown trigger

Peppermint Shrimp

Fire Shrimp

Still have AOI Zoas


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

A list of rare fishes available for ORDER thru M3morph.

- Holocanthus clarionensis with lateral line (clarion angel)

- Pomacanthus zonipectus (cortez angel)

- Genicanthus melanospilos, pair (zebra swallowtail angel)

- Hemitaurichthys zoster (pyramid butterfly)

- Gramma dejongi (dejong basslet)

- Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, male (hooded fairy wrasse)

- Cirrhilabrus balteatus, pair (girdled fairy wrasse)

- Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus (velvet fairywrasse)

- Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, male

- Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis, pair (rhomboid fairy wrasse)

- Arothron citrinellus (citrinellus pufferfish)

- Equetus punctatus (carribean jack-knife)

- Captivity Bred Amphiprion percula, platinum (platinum clowns)

- Centropyge joculator (joculator angel)

- Lipogramma klayi (klayi basslet)

Do pm M3morph our sponsor if u're interested in any of the fishes.

the C. roseafascia is not for sale anymore if i'm not wrong. but interested parties can make a pre-order for it.

parties interested in the super rare L. klayi and G. dejongi can pm M3MORPH now. they're selling for >$3k for each i think.

i also added common names for those who don't know the scientific names of the fishes above.

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  • SRC Member

A list of rare fishes available for ORDER thru M3morph.

- Holocanthus clarionensis with lateral line

- Pomacanthus zonipectus

- Genicanthus melanospilos, pair

- Hemitaurichthys zoster

- Gramma dejongi

- Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus, male

- Cirrhilabrus balteatus, pair

- Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus

- Cirrhilabrus roseafascia, male

- Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis, pair

- Arothron citrinellus

- Equetus punctatus

- Captivity Bred Amphiprion percula, platinum

- Centropyge joculator

- Lipogramma klayi

Do pm M3morph our sponsor if u're interested in any of the fishes.

i'm waiting for thier Chromis cyaneus and Ecsenius lineatus...

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CF Today:

Live Stock:

1xpotter angel (Very q small size)

2xmulticolor angel

Flagfin Angel

Regai Angel

True percula/Wild caught Picasso

Powder Blue/Brown Tang

kole Tang

Indo & Red Sea Sailfin

Naso Tang

2 x AT



Flame Wrasses



Some nice zoas

Still have nice Aussie Acan/Lobo/Favia

Hammer Coral


Nice Squamasa & Crocea (not sure for sale or export, pls check with Auntie)



LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

3 x Chaetodon larvatus Cuvier @ LCK


Cuvier is the name of the scientist that described this fish.

the scientific name is just Chaetodon larvatus.

Nice meeting you again today :)

did not buy anything? haha

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