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My 11 weeks old nano


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Hi all,

Just to share some photos of my nano tank - 11 weeks old... enjoy


- 45cm x 30cm x 30 cm tank

- Fluval 403 Canister Filter(reuse from my decom 4' reef tank a few years back)

- 2x 16W T5 white light (Aquazonic)

- 1x 6W underwater actinic light (Aquazonic) + 50cm Reflector

- DIY algae scrubber ###### sump

- 3 inch sandbed (seeded with Funky Old Reef Mud)


2 x banded damsel

4 x gray damsel

4 x bali black legs hermit crab

1x local hermit crab

3x pink sea cucumber

1x cleaner shrimp

2x gaint clam

3x sand seastar

6x snails

?x crabs (stowaway from the zoathids and live rocks) :)

?x worms (stowaway from the zoathids and live rocks, now established in the sandbed) :)


- Different color zoathids

- Sea mat

- bubble coral (mini)

- Sun coral (mini)

- Moon coral (?)

- pink sea fan

- cup corals

- encrusting green monti (?)

- jewel coral

- gonipora (mini)

All corals are opening well except for the gonipora that refused to open even though the jewel open very nicely. :(


Currently cooling using 1.3L ice pack (one in the morning and one at night) - temp between 27-30C; Average 29C. Have also installed a cooler fan but have not kicked in as yet since my thermostat is set to 30C. Currently thinking of DIY a TEM chiller to be used in the DIY Algae Scrubber (anyone knows where to get anodised aluminium rod [2cm dia]?)

Weekly - Biweekly (ha2 when I am lazy) 20% water change with NSW

Photo 1 - Complete shot of tank

Photo 2 - Close up shot of entire tank

Photo 3 - Black tubeworm and zoathids

Photo 4 - Pink tubeworm

Photo 5 - Close up of zoathids

Photo 6 - More close up of zoathids

Photo 7 - Close up of leather coral and zoathids

Photo 8 - Close up of pink sea fan

Will share more of the photos in the future...










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Hi raiden, nice zoa and your tank is almost full liao. lol.

Hee you r u david and the last time we met at reefzzz place to collect the clam correct? :cheers:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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HI mengyang - yes, we met at reefzzz place.... :) always good to be able to put a face to the name... :) Yes, already full... now thinking of rescaping to make more space... ha..ha... that's the beauty of nano tank... no worries of rescaping and cleaning... all can be done is such a short time... I remember when I still have my 48"x20"x28" reef tank... rescaping takes a long time to decide as it takes many hours to do and have to really plan properly... down to the number of pails and basins to use... I am happy with the nano - even though it cannot satisfy my urge in wanting to keep more stuff... :P only thing is to have the discipline to resist buying stuff.

Hi Ukiya - surely.... may be one of the Sat after our fishfarm pilgrimage... :P

HI desideria - yes, you are right... the water temperature increased after I switch from a 10W LED lighting to the 36W T5... am looking out for an inexpensive chiller... am now considering DIY myself a TEM chiller or if a cheaper ICEPROBE appears in the maketplace section... ha..ha... always not fast enough to grab the good deals... :P in fact the temperature went even higher when I have a wave-maker running... have since stopped the wavemaker to tradeoff more current flow with lower temperature... hope to change the situation soon... meanwhile, icepacks is the routine that works... and thankfully, the inhabitants are still alright without the added flow.

Hi ahsiang - hmm... the clam is actually green when I look from the top... I think it could be the angle...but may be you are right... I am new to LED and T5 as I have been using MH and T8 tubes for my previously decomm 4' reef tanks. Am especially confused by an article that I read last night about LED - it is supposed to be better than T5 even though LED may looks dimmer (due to the characteristics of LED lighting) than T5/T2. Am now contemplating of switching back to the LED... ha..ha.. for sure, I miss the wavy light effects of the LED light. :P decision.... decision.... I switch to T5 two weeks ago because I was applying the rule of thumb of watts per gallon (since it is only 10W for the LED).... but after reading the article I mentioned, it seems like such rule of thumb is not really a good guage... I saw a comparison of the effect of 12W LED with a MH on plants... amazing difference, in favour of LED... any advice?

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Nice meeting u bro. Nice setup.

Tank setup

4ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft (3 way viewing)

ATI Sunpower 6 x 39w

Arctica 1/5Hp

Skimz SM161 skimmer

Smart ATO system

Jebao DC 12k

Jebao dosing pump (Fauna Marine Lite balling - Thinking)

Jebao RW 15 wavemaker

Upgrading in Process.....

More infomation coming soon!

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hi whq,

Thanx to the iceprobe... now I don't need to keep putting ice pack... and able to keep the temperature between 28-29 (ha..ha... set my thermostat to this temperature)... so when you starting your new tank?


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