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Weekly LFS & Shipment Updates - 14/FEB/2011 to 21/02/2011

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henry has the most ridiculous and sick alpha male dispar anthias i have ever seen!!

check out the terminal phased males!! the body is SOLID yellow and the head is pink!


i am sorry the cruel temptation trails u 10mins after u left lolx..

there is some anthias in the solar wrasse tank which i didnt take photo of, prob u can update the species something like lyretail type..

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i am sorry the cruel temptation trails u 10mins after u left lolx..

there is some anthias in the solar wrasse tank which i didnt take photo of, prob u can update the species something like lyretail type..

yes those are lyretail anthias.

Pseudanthias squamipinnis

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yeah, i saw a few and was tempted! :P

Opistognathus rufilineatus. V uncommon but also v unpopular.

Terry, this fish is unpopular everywhere including the states. Uncommon but if available is v cheap.

It is quite similar to the more common Opistognathus randalli which can be found at Ah Beng too.


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Opistognathus rufilineatus. V uncommon but also v unpopular.

Terry, this fish is unpopular everywhere including the states. Uncommon but if available is v cheap.

It is quite similar to the more common Opistognathus randalli which can be found at Ah Beng too.


its not that.

its this.


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Opistognathus rufilineatus. V uncommon but also v unpopular.

Terry, this fish is unpopular everywhere including the states. Uncommon but if available is v cheap.

It is quite similar to the more common Opistognathus randalli which can be found at Ah Beng too.


LOL... Dunno it seems to cause a lot of attention and commotion when one is posted... LOL...

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first time seeing Opistognathus rufilineatus. does seem sought after in the US but i can't really appreciate it :lol: smaller specimens also lack the colouration of adults.

Opistognathus randalli is quite commonly seen at ah beng and no one really buys them. the last time i asked it was less than 1 red note

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first time seeing Opistognathus rufilineatus. does seem sought after in the US but i can't really appreciate it :lol: smaller specimens also lack the colouration of adults.

Opistognathus randalli is quite commonly seen at ah beng and no one really buys them. the last time i asked it was less than 1 red note

Randelli is very common and not many will buy even I wun buy.. LOL..

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just to quote from another forum,

Opistognathus rufilineatus - orange/red/pastel headed jawfish


only available from one collection site and only discovered in 2007. never heard of a single specimen making it to the UK.

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Randelli is very common and not many will buy even I wun buy.. LOL..

lol me too thought i was tempted alittle.

i think the head-body proportion is just too great even compared to more eye pleasing jawfishes like yellow head or blue spotted

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I was tempted but because of their behaviour, i dont think suitable for reef tank.. When scared, they will just go straight down into the sand... so prob will hit the tank bottom! LOL

They will go back to it burrow and not anyhow dive...

LoL... Take a look at this video...


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yeap shouldn't be that bad to kamikaze into their burrow :lol:

i think jawfishes are cool fishes. the blue spot jawfish was a tiny tiny reason why i started marine :heh: thought up till now i haven't owned one, jawfishes are still one of my favorites out there.

:yahoo: anyone spotted any blue stripe pipefishes? i think ML has them but its really farrrrr :(

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Opistognathus rufilineatus. V uncommon but also v unpopular.

Terry, this fish is unpopular everywhere including the states. Uncommon but if available is v cheap.

It is quite similar to the more common Opistognathus randalli which can be found at Ah Beng too.


so much talk about jawfish,makes me gian about getting one.

does LCK bring in the yellow-headed jawfish frequently with their carribean shipment?

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Did anyone get the Two-banded soapfish(Diploprion bifasciatum) from CF? Just curious.. Almost bought all 3 as they looked 'small and harmless' until I realised they belonged to the grouper family, or so I was told. <_<

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CF has 2 pairs of marshall island ventralis anthias.

Pseudanthias ventralis ventralis.

the male is magnificent and super gorgeous.

also many white cap gobies (Lotilia graciliosa) and rubromaculatus pistol shrimp pair (Alpheus rubromaculatus). One of the white cap goby is very big.

also at least 3 large show size AT at CF.

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is it true that bumble bees have special diet?

someone told me its urchin?

can anyone clarify?

They will feed on the tube feet of echinoderms, sea urchins maybe since they are considered under the order.

Aquarium sources however did state that they do not require such specific diet to survive.

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