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he likes white cap alot. his fav goby.

he also like black cap basslet.

i told him all those suitable for his nano tank. but it's a small tank, so cannot keep too many fish.

he also likes my tapeinosoma dottyback and full moon goby. i say those 2 can buy occasionally.

he likes splendid dottyback but that one grow big and super ridiculously fierce.

see. i'm his advisor :P

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u can consider adding a nano wavemaker in your tank to improves circulation.

Ok thanks. I remember you, always pick u from kranji mrt right? I dont think i will be keeping colini although he did ask me because i dont really have any interest in angelfish. May consider the ventralis, quite nice and also because i asked him if there were any anthias i could keep. Really like the white cap goby but may re consider since its very expensive.


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I was about to post the same thing, but Digiman beat me to it. :P Your tank, your choices, but do seek his advise if they are suitable for your tank. He knows stuff.

Oh... and get an Ice-Probe. If you have other means of cooling the tank, you can still get it just to cool your brother's hot a$$... :D

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Ok thanks. I remember you, always pick u from kranji mrt right? I dont think i will be keeping colini although he did ask me because i dont really have any interest in angelfish. May consider the ventralis, quite nice and also because i asked him if there were any anthias i could keep. Really like the white cap goby but may re consider since its very expensive.

I advise u NOT to keep ventralis!

I currently have two in my tank and they are extremely difficult, eating but still becoming thinner and thinner and i'm jux waiting for it to break down and die in a few more weeks.

Also each ventralis costs $130! A lot more expensive than the whitecap. I suggest if u wan to spend tat much money might as well get the whitecap goby+shrimp pair since it's hardy and cheaper.

Also without a chiller there's no way u can keep ventralis alive.

If u dun like angel is fine, in fact it's better. There are no angels tat will feel comfortable in a 1 ft tank long term. Go for dottybacks and gobies. They withstand high temp better.

Your challenge for a nano tank will be to maintain temp below 28. Never let it exceed 30.

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I advise u NOT to keep ventralis!

I currently have two in my tank and they are extremely difficult, eating but still becoming thinner and thinner and i'm jux waiting for it to break down and die in a few more weeks.

Also each ventralis costs $130! A lot more expensive than the whitecap. I suggest if u wan to spend tat much money might as well get the whitecap goby+shrimp pair since it's hardy and cheaper.

Also without a chiller there's no way u can keep ventralis alive.

If u dun like angel is fine, in fact it's better. There are no angels tat will feel comfortable in a 1 ft tank long term. Go for dottybacks and gobies. They withstand high temp better.

Your challenge for a nano tank will be to maintain temp below 28. Never let it exceed 30.

Ok thanks for the tip. I definitely wouldnt think of keeping ventralis now bcos they are so hard to maintain and expensive. Will stick to smaller and hardier fishes like gobies :).


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bear if you want to keep anthias, there's not many around actually.

ventralis and sunburst are some of the only few you can keep. but not long term.

sunburst are small and very in-active and suitable for small tanks. but they do grow to be quite large so overall, i don't reccomend it still.

ventralis are small and very in-active too. especially the females. but they are terribly difficult to keep and require cool water.

colini angel also not suitable for nano tanks. i thought your tank would be able to but i just went to see it.. it's actually very small. so don't keep angels lah hor. if u want u can keep it in my display tank or my sump.

i would go to ur room and tell u but i'm too lazy.

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this is the little red fish from my tank that you wanted right?

I'll try to catch it out. but quite difficult. it's v secretive. if you want, ah beng sells and quite cheap.

It's called a Plectranthias inermis

v small, never grow big and it's v peaceful. perfect nano fish


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P.Inermis Ah Beng always have.

Any corals for the tank?

He turned off his computer already.

but he ask me to tell u this.

he want to keep soft corals but he asking me what corals he can keep.

i told him simple zoas, star polyps, clove, mushrooms, leather etc. the cheaper soft corals that do not require pristine water quality and bright lights. also they can tolerate warmer temperatures like 28C.

he needs a fan or an ice probe to keep the temperature down. he likes LPS also like torch and hammer too big... unless a single head one.

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He turned off his computer already.

but he ask me to tell u this.

he want to keep soft corals but he asking me what corals he can keep.

i told him simple zoas, star polyps, clove, mushrooms, leather etc. the cheaper soft corals that do not require pristine water quality and bright lights. also they can tolerate warmer temperatures like 28C.

he needs a fan or an ice probe to keep the temperature down. he likes LPS also like torch and hammer too big... unless a single head one.

Torch can, hammer too big.

With lights and fan, i manage to keep my temp below 28 for my 2.5 ft. But top up freshwater mux do everyday becos of high evaporation rate.

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ya, can keep a touch.. or duncan.. and maybe a small brain coral.

Zoas, mushies, rics etc are the best choice i think... don't need very strong light and colourful and small enough.

If can i would choose duncan if nt so expensive. But probably more zoas and mushrooms


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Duncans are not too bad.. about 10/head and quite easy to maintain.. just occasionally feeding, no need much light/flow. Sunnies are nice but often dun open and require more feeding. Supersunnies are even nicer :P

get a small specimen if you get duncan as it grows pretty fast.

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Duncans are not too bad.. about 10/head and quite easy to maintain.. just occasionally feeding, no need much light/flow. Sunnies are nice but often dun open and require more feeding. Supersunnies are even nicer :P

get a small specimen if you get duncan as it grows pretty fast.

Ok thanks all. Getting my lights on sat from iwarna i think. Will be going slow as have been keeping freshwater all my life and no experience with SW until now.


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Since it's still CNY, what about Lukanlukan?

idea - when lemon not at home, just take out anything you fancy from his tank and put into yours! LOL

time to show us some updated photos.


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Send me a pm if you are interested in supersuns. I have a small frag of 2 heads. FOC.

Thanks for the offer, will Pm you when i reach a decision. Not experienced yet so i think its best i ask my brother first :).

Since it's still CNY, what about Lukanlukan?

idea - when lemon not at home, just take out anything you fancy from his tank and put into yours! LOL

time to show us some updated photos.

Haha i think he would notice some things missing :P . Update should be this upcoming weekend if not than next week, stay tuned :).


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