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5ft Shallow Marine Tank


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Journal on my new project of 5ft shallow marine tank together with product reviews.

Objective: Iwagumi shallow marine tank setup.

Tank dimension: 5ft (L) x 2.5ft (W) x 40cm (H)

Sump dimension: TBC

Lighting: Custom 8 x 80W T5HO light fixture

Filtration: Skimz Kone SK201 + Skimz Monzter FM100

Wavemaker: Either Tunze /or Vortech

Return pump: Eheim 1264

Dosing pump: TBC


Some of the equipment to begin....


D-D RO filter unit.


DI Filter unit. To be used together with RO filter.


Dual inline TDS monitor - for filter health check.


Inlet/outlet monitor. Allow monitoring on the water parameter before and after.

. . . more coming up later

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  • SRC Member

very interested to see the making of a shallow tank!:D

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I am in the midst of collecting the equipment while waiting for the tank to arrive. The tank is not with LFS since need to change back pane to put in overflow box and changing the width from 2ft to 2.5ft.

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No tank yet so i play around with what i have gotten..feel like kiddo now..

SKIMZ Kone SK201 Internal Skimmer


Unpacking my Skimz Kone SK201 skimmer


Measurement of the body. Compact size and good built quality. Nice color too.


Locking mechanism on the skimmer neck for easy removal of the collection cup.


Base plate. Pump will sit on the 2 parallel acrylic. The hole in the middle will allow water to exit the skimmer and is designed to minimize micro bubbles.


Water ouput from skimmer will pass through this opening right below the base plate.


Adjustable flow rate.


Collection cup size. Quite huge.


Bubble plate design to reduce bubble turbulence


Air intake silencer.


Pump close up pic


Full picture of skimmer.

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Small progress


Unpacking D-D RO filter. Does not come with DI Resin filter (Separate purchase)


Complete accessories provided. Hose are differentiated by 3 colors (white, blue and orange). Small details from D-D product for easy identifying of input/output.


I do not want to drill the RO unit to the wall. Proposed spot....


All the connections are hooked up for test run. White hose - connected to main water source, orange hose - waste water after filtering, blue hose #1 - output from RO unit to DI unit, blue hose #2 - output from DI unit (clean RO water).

TDS meter is connected in between the white hose and blue hose #2 to test water parameter before/after filtering. Filter health check will be kept in optimum condition with this equipment.


Test run...bucket is intentionally placed on top of washing machine to test the output since filter is placed on the floor.

Need to wait approx 15 mins to see water flowing out from blue hose. Messy hose will be tied with zip cable later.

Result: Passed! :D


Final position.

Now I need to source for 2 big water containers, to store RO water and mixing container.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like an exciting setup. B)

300G Main Display - 7 x 3 x 3, 60G Sump

4 x Tunze 6105 + 7095 controller, 2 x Eden 5000 l/hr main return

1HP Reefcool Compressor

4 x Reeflux 250W 12K MH with dimmable ballast + ATI T5 blue actinic

Super Reef Octopus 5000 skimmer, Skimz PO4 Reactor, 36W UV sterilizer

Bubble Magus 7 Channel Dosing Pump

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I will be getting my tank + cabinet this coming Saturday.

More pictures will be posted after that.

As for the skimmer, I have changed it to Skimz SK222.

After seeing Vortech MP10ES WM..i am very keen to get this instead of tunze. Thinking to put 3 of this in my tank.

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I will be getting my tank + cabinet this coming Saturday.

More pictures will be posted after that.

As for the skimmer, I have changed it to Skimz SK222.

After seeing Vortech MP10ES WM..i am very keen to get this instead of tunze. Thinking to put 3 of this in my tank.

Hi bro,

Vortech MP10WES is too weak for your 5 ft tank...should go for 2~3 MP40WES or MP60WES :evil: .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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allan - I am planning to get 2-3 big blue container to store the water for other usage. #1 for keeping RO water, #2 for mixing, #3 for storing waste water.

jameshong - my water level will be approx ~35cm high only. Return pump will be Eheim 1264 which should be able to provide quite strong water circulation in the main tank. MP40 position need to be approx 4" below the water surface otherwise the pump will suck in air (I am being told so).

Since my concept is going to be more open area, i thought the mp10ES should be suffice. 2 pump will be position at the overflow area (left and right) and another on the opposite side (middle).

Appreciate all the feedback i can get..

I will be keeping SPS (plan to go for the easy type first), small fishes and Maxima clam.

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Full tank shot + Cabinet


1 piece of black acrylic with weir for overflow. No need to use background sticker.


Overflow box outside of the tank. Piping and plumbing work not done yet. Black glass is used as a cover to eliminate splash and sound.


Side view


Sump with acrylic cover (haven't cut the cover - pending piping/plumbing work)


Cabinet with 4 doors for better access.


German silicone and extremely neat workmanship. Please don't mind the dusty glass :roll:

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Wow nice tank u have. What kind of rock scaping u looking at?

|| Tank: 5x2x2.5 || Sump 3.5x1.5.1.5 || Lights: DeLighting 2x80w Aquable Special T5 ||

|| Return: 2 x ehiem 1264Ā || Skimmer: Skimz SM251 ||

|| CR: deltec denitrator || ATO with custom make reservior tank||

|| FR: TLF running Rowas ,UV ||

|| Wavemaker: Jebao RE20& RW15|| Chiller: Daikin 1HP Compressor ||

|| Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor ||

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Simple scaping with large open area. Planning to create slope from the overflow section..and another small island on the opposite side. We will see how it goes since I need to look at the rock that I am going to get..

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Better post it here since I have been receiving few query on the tank and cabinet.

All price stated is in Ringgit Malaysia (RM)

Tank cost approx ~RM1.7K (Price excluding 2 x 5ft side glass panel which are recycled back from my previous planted tank setup)

Cabinet cost approx ~RM2.4k

Tank is made by Aqua Technic, Malaysia

I have tested to pull the sample dry silicone and it is extremely flexible. I cant even break it into 2 parts. Hopefully can last me many years.

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Better post it here since I have been receiving few query on the tank and cabinet.

All price stated is in Ringgit Malaysia (RM)

Tank cost approx ~RM1.7K (Price excluding 2 x 5ft side glass panel which are recycled back from my previous planted tank setup)

Cabinet cost approx ~RM2.4k

Tank is made by Aqua Technic, Malaysia

I have tested to pull the sample dry silicone and it is extremely flexible. I cant even break it into 2 parts. Hopefully can last me many years.

so you are from malaysia?

how much will it cost if deliver to singapore?

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Sunny - Yes, i am from Malaysia. I will try to ask for you whether the shop would like to send over to Sg. By the way, the silicone is from German but purchased at Singapore.

Aqua Technic also from Singapore.

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