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Reefs of Australia!


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  • Senior Reefer

Here's a couple of pictures from the tidepools of australia.

some amazzzzzzing species!!

i took the pics from a member in RC. no copyright intended. just purely sharing.

the tiny butterfly is a Chelmon muelleri. an endemic species to australia that is a close relative to the copperband and marginalis butterfy.

it was caught in the shores





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  • Senior Reefer

Some SPS frags collected, and butterflyfishes collected in the tidepool.

the butterfly fish seen there is a Chaetodon aureofasciatus and Parachaetodon ocellatus.

look at the beautiful scribbled angel and the adult muelleri butterflies. all were caught in the tide.

and the wild Moseleya latistellata coral.





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  • Senior Reefer

torch corals everywhere

a washed up turtle waiting for the high tide to bring it back to sea

and tons of zoas

once again these photos do not belong to me, they belong to a member on RC and i'm just sharing only.





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  • Senior Reefer

it's nice to share but i'm always afraid of getting scolded for copyright infringement..

as a writer for glassbox design it has made me more aware of my sources. so it's become a recent habit of mine to cite references and sources.

although that's no use and it's still infringing copyright laws, it's better than nothing i guess ><

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  • Senior Reefer

Being able to net up Scribbles is pretty wild.

i know right! insane!

in singapore we can only get copperbands. they're catching scribbled angels and look at the duncans!

but you have stated the source of it, so should not be an issue.. lets share more around SRC~

haha if state source i guess its ok. but some website and books cannot. even if u state source. u need permission from the original poster.

yes sharing is caring.

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon, no matter what it is still copyright infringement... Unless the RC member explicitly give you permission and you indicate here who he is etc..

On the good side, we should all move to Australia! :)

yes like i said above, simply stating origin of source is not enough.

but everyone here is guilty of that. we can't possible ask every owner of the picture for permission otherwise the whole forum will be pictureless. as majority is taken from the net.

so i just hope i dont get caught hehe :P

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