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Weekly LFS & Shipment Updates - 7/FEB/2011 to 13/FEB/2011

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ya... i always tell Desi ours is GAY tank... even flame wrasses, other wrasses all male... :P



Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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i wish haha

i have a ah gua barlet neither male nor female who want to trade ... wanted to trade for a female... too many males in my tank

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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anyone seen yellow kole tangs?

You could call CF to try.

I got mine, the smallest one just before CNY there.

Got 4~5 left then but not sure now as I also did not notice when there last Sat.

Good luck

Fushi Fish Tank: FS003 (3 ft)

Overflow Glass Tank: 36”x 22” x 24”

Sump Tank: 24” x 16” x 18”

Return Pump - Eheim Universal Pump 1264

Maxpect Mazarra P Series

2 x 60W Module

Hydor Koralia 2 - Wavemaker Pump 2300L/h

Coralife Turbo Twist 3X - 9W

Eheim Compact 1000

Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR30 w/TLF NPX Biopellets

Eheim Compact 600

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Carbon

TLF PhosBan Reactor 150 w/Rowa Phos

Teco Chiller TR 10 1/8 hp

Aquabee 2000/I

Meshwheel protein skimmer - BM-NAC6A

Atman ph2500


Yellow Tang x 1/Pacific Blue Tang x 1/Yellow-Eye Kole Tang/Flame Angel x 1/Cherub Dwarf Angel x 1/Blue Mini Angel x 1/Maroon Clown x 1/Black Lepoard Wrasse x 1/False Percula Clown x 1/Neon Goby x 1/Cleaner Shrimp x 1/Blood Shrimp x 1/Peppermint Shrimp x 1/Hermit Crabs/Zoas & Mushrooms/Snails - Turban, Nassarius, Bumble Bee, Red Sea Cumumber...

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GO still have many zoas (common) / orange plate / syposium (dont know spell correctly not) / 30+ sps (approx when i left around 1pm today). many other LPS from last shipment. didn't take pic as rushing back to work :chair:

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Seriously no shipment yet for this week except for GO sps is it? That's very bad.

Well, you are very wrong. LCK will have Hawaii and Caribbean shipment tomorrow. Not sure what is coming, will update again.

So, will you be going there?????

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Well, you are very wrong. LCK will have Hawaii and Caribbean shipment tomorrow. Not sure what is coming, will update again.

So, will you be going there?????

Thanks for the updates/info. Will try to go tomorrow or sat. Your updates bring excitements. ...

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  • SRC Member

how to tell if its an ah gua? lol

not too yellow not to pink/redish lol ... it is different from the sub male and female i have... :( kept chasing around by the others an out cast...

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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