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<PBO> Gathering interest for light-timer 3-in-1 digital contro


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That's true...guess it is fine for MNCs cos they would have their QC specialists there in China to ensure proper QC. China brands/made goods by Chinese Companies will be a different play altogether.

Description of my humble tank

Size - 4 x 2 x 2.5 ft

Protein Skimmer - Reef Octopus OCTX 160

Return Pump - Germain Eheim pump 3400 litres/hr

Chiller - Hailea Chiller 300A

Wave Maker - Ecotech Marine MP40W

Lighting - Solarmax 4ft MH 2 x 150 watts & 2 x T5 lights

Date of Commission of Tank - 22 Dec 2010

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