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<PBO> Gathering interest for light-timer 3-in-1 digital contro


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Been trying to find this controller in LFS, but seems like all out of stock...

The below website has something I want and I'm currently using one unit. Would need another 2.

So if more ppl are keen, we can do a BO I believe buy more got discount.

Website link: http://www.fish-street.com/product_details.php?category_id=60&item_id=357&currency_code=SGD


Wilson: 2 units



decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Been trying to find this controller in LFS, but seems like all out of stock...

The below website has something I want and I'm currently using one unit. Would need another 2.

So if more ppl are keen, we can do a BO I believe buy more got discount.

Website link: http://www.fish-street.com/product_details.php?category_id=60&item_id=357&currency_code=SGD


Wilson: 2 units


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)


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  • SRC Member

Been trying to find this controller in LFS, but seems like all out of stock...

The below website has something I want and I'm currently using one unit. Would need another 2.

So if more ppl are keen, we can do a BO I believe buy more got discount.

Website link: http://www.fish-stre...rrency_code=SGD


Wilson: 2 units


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)


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  • SRC Member


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)


(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Forgot to add closing date: 13 feb 2011. Current order as of 11.45am today is 10units. I'll proceed to check on prices for 10, 15 and 20 units. See if there's any difference.


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Forgot to add closing date: 13 feb 2011. Current order as of 11.45am today is 10units. I'll proceed to check on prices for 10, 15 and 20 units. See if there's any difference.


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

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Forgot to add closing date: 13 feb 2011. Current order as of 11.45am today is 10units. I'll proceed to check on prices for 10, 15 and 20 units. See if there's any difference.


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

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Closing date: 13 feb 2011, 2359hrs.

For those unfamiliar with fish-street, price listed excludes shipping (about SGD13.57).

Total price per unit is roughly less than $35. (I bought mine previously around $55).

I've written to them to enquire for BO pricing, more information will be released via group pm to all registered buyers.


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Closing date: 13 feb 2011, 2359hrs.

For those unfamiliar with fish-street, price listed excludes shipping (about SGD13.57).

Total price per unit is roughly less than $35. (I bought mine previously around $55).

I've written to them to enquire for BO pricing, more information will be released via group pm to all registered buyers.


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

Main Tank: 3 by 2 by 2.5 ft

Sump: 30 by 16 by 16 inch

Return: Sicce 5000

Wavemaker: Vortech Mp40wES

Lighting: 2 X Maxspect Mazzara, 1 ATI True Actinic, 1 ATI BluePlus

Skimmer: Deltec APF 600

CR: Deltec PF 501

Filtration: Carbon FR, Phosphate FR

Chiller: Hailea 300A

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Closing date: 13 feb 2011, 2359hrs.

For those unfamiliar with fish-street, price listed excludes shipping (about SGD13.57).

Total price per unit is roughly less than $35. (I bought mine previously around $55).

I've written to them to enquire for BO pricing, more information will be released via group pm to all registered buyers.


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

" ... and the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says, 'With fronds like these, who needs anemones?' " -Marlin the Clownfish-

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Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

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Hi all, reply from fish-street. It appears that we can get a USD4 discount if we get 20units!

I'm now awaiting their response on the different days required for shipment between normal and express.

Will update all later..

Any preference for express/normal? I suggest if <5days, we go normal? Unless anyone needs this urgently?

Note: we will close BO once we hit 20 units.

Added 7 Feb 2011, 4:37 AM

Viewed by user 7 Feb 2011, 6:06 AM



This item is 20pcs per stock, so the price is USD12 per unit


shipping 20pcs to USD55


EMS shipping is USD74





decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

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  • SRC Member


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit

Ming69 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

Member of:


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  • SRC Member


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 2 units

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit

Ming69 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

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Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.

eChan : 1 unit


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit

Ming69 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

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  • SRC Member


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.

eChan : 1 unit

iskay: 1 unit (Huat Lah~) got warranty?


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit

Ming69 2 units


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.

eChan : 1 unit

iskay: 1 unit (Huat Lah~) got warranty?


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 1 unit

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit

Ming69 2 units

LaW 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member


Wilson: 2 units

digibee: 1 unit

Alan chin: 1 unit

Samsies: 1 unit for me bro!

Death_z7 (Zainal) : 1 unit

cool guy : 1 unit.

eChan : 1 unit

iskay: 1 unit (Huat Lah~) got warranty?


Belle: 1 unit (don't mind trying it since price is quite affordable)

bluesotong 2 units

Jameshong 1 unit

Onizuka 2 units

BryanOng 1 unit

Ming69 2 units

LaW 1 unit


Ketchup: 1 unit, (can collect anywhere la.. ;P)

Leo: 1 unit

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