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MWTS: Achilles Tang

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  • SRC Member

hi all,

i have 2 reasons that i MIGHT want to sell off my AT:

1. it is outgrowing my tank which is only 3ft

2. it has ich, which i cannot cure due to lack of quarantine facility

as such, i will only sell off this AT, at $180 (same as market price), to someone who:

1. has a quarantine facility to cure his ich

2. has a 4ft or larger tank

3. is trustworthy and experienced

i will give a 1 week guarantee, and buyer will not have to pay me upfront for the fish.. buyer will take the fish home, quarantine it, and if it heals completely, and happily swimming in his tank after 1 week, then payment can be made. Any fatality within that 1 week will be my loss. As such, i will only let off this fish to someone who i can trust and is experienced enough.

interested party, pls PM me to discuss. :thanks:

Description of fish:

has ich that has been persistent on and off, since August until now.

feeding on nori, pellets, frozen, and red bamboo.

got him in August at LCK shipment.

grew from mere 3 inch juvenile to a 4.5 inch specimen now, in only 5 months.. fat and muscular, as i diligently soak all his food in Selcon.

teardrop has doubled in size as compared to the pictures below, but ich is also more now.




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upzz for u bro :welldone:

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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  • SRC Member

Upz for u too bro!

Admired your spirit! Seldom people will let other have the fish 1st w/o paying.

Some1 doesn't 1 2 do anything find an excuse,some1 1 2 do something find a mean!

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  • SRC Member

thanks all bros.. :thanks:

i have decided to take advice from some good bros, to try major water changes, and continue to monitor this fish for another more week.. in the event that i still wish to let this fish go, i already have a few good reefers in line, so.. that's all folks.. can consider this thread closed.. :thumbsup:

i sincerely apologize to all reefers whom i have disappointed.. :bow:

p.s. i wish to thank some bros for the encouragement and advice.. u know who u are.. :friends:

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