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Tentative plans for 5ft


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  • SRC Member

Hi bros. As some of you may know, I have posted my 3ft Tank for sale and is in the process of source and designing a new tank setup for my marine. Would like to start a thread for discussion and documentation of the process. All my life rocks (around 100kg) are in 3 spare tank and my LS are in my QT Tank. So dont have much time. Hope to get it up before CNY.

My current idea is for a Wooden cabinet with Chengnai wood beams amd laminated ply cover. either a 5x2x2 or a 5x2.5x2. With a rear left side over flow with one 25mm hole for return and 2 16mm holes for pump.

The sump would be 4ft in size with a DSB but the main tank will only have around 2inch in sand. Will post pic of design later.

Please feel free to post recommendations, lobangs, experiences so I can avoid costly mistakes. Thanks to all. :lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

Was thinking of either a 5x2x2 or a 5x2.5x2. Will intend to use 2 x 250watt MH. Chiller need to source. 2 return pump. Will use a weipro first before can afford a good skimmer. Very low bio load cos only have 5 fish now. (will have big hole in pocket.).

Currently have around 100kg live rocks liaoz.

Main tank: 2 inch of #0 sand.

Sump 6-7 inch of #0 sand

Anyone got old big chiller to sell?? ke ke... :D:D

Anyone want a 1/4 HP chiller?? he he :lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

no no...the less hp your chiller is the more electicity u going to waste and somemore the pushing the chiller hard thus shorter the life alot...

for 5 feet go for 1hp or 1.5hp better

think in the long run.. if u get the smaller hp and cheaper price but end up u have to pay more for the electricity bill end up pay more...

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  • SRC Member

Spoke to a tank maker today. Maybe a slight change of plans. Was think of using a close loop system so I can put the pump outside to minimise heat gain lor.

Have decided on the 5ft with chengai wood cabinet. with 12mm glass with euro bracing top and bottom to play safe. DC silicon.

Will be sourcing for a chiller. I heard a 1/2 reef relief can chill a 5ft so either looking for 1/2 or a 1hp one. Will be posting my chiller for sale soon lor.

Trying to decide on one or 2 overflow. so bros get suggestion?? :lol:;)

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  • SRC Member
just one return? use tunze lol...

you so many return.. use more power.. cauz the pump u use for return gotta be of high working power.. as u see... after gg thru so many elbows the power has lessen.. one return.. then 2 tunze

Was thinking of using 2 return pump. mayber 2 1262. Plus a close loop lor. Trying to keep equipment out of the water to minise heat gain.

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  • SRC Member
Tanggy, 2 return holes will be much safer to prevent flooding if one of the return holes happen to be stucked etc etc.

I know what you mean so think wether I should use 2 overflow. So 2 return and 2 output with 2 pumps so got redundancy for pump failure or jam return.

well done bro!

i see another big nice tank in sengkang soon

He he... maybe we can start throwing Tank parties and start a senkang reefers gathering!! (Bring your own food!! ke ke...)

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  • SRC Member
why dont u put your return pipe this way...

save heavy support for the pvc pipe too...

sorry for the ugly drawing cause dont have photoshop in this pc...

Alan, thanks for the drawing. I also thought of that. will save distant of pipe and increase flow. But think need very powerful pump for water to reach the other end rite?? ai so many things to consider.

Anyone using a close loop system??

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  • SRC Member

well either way u need a gd enough pump.. cause as u see even with a close loop system u use a low end plump the water flow out also very slow..

my method at least better cause it reduce the water flow in the pipe..

image the reduce of distance of travelling in the pipe..

if u have a long pipe then u really need a powerful enough plump as the distance travel of the water flow is wasted in pipe travelling then when flow out u can see like nothing like that..

if not like other suggest u can use tunze lor...

anyone got pic of tunze me have not see be4.. and how it work.. thanx

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