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Predatorfish's 3X2X2 Tank


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Tank Specs:

3x2x2 Display tank

2.5x1x1 Sump tank

Sunsun 5000lph wavemaker

Cl 650 Chiller

Filtration:Liverock,bioballs,carbon,cheato,10cm DSB

Light:39Wx4 T5


2xblue tang

1xyellow shoulder tang

1xnaso tang

1xscopio tang

1xred strip goby

1xsixline wrasse

1xmaroon clown


1xskun cleaner shrimp

1xboxer shrimp

Assorted zoa/paly/mushroom

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That's a lot of tang for a 3ft, no skimmer at all?

ya :agreed: ,thats alot of tang in 3ft but i can't bare to part with them because they are from my prievious 3ft and 2 ft tank that i have kept them for sometime... :cry2: my only way to keep them healthy is feed them only once every 2 days... :idea: forgot to mention i'm using 2nd hand BMQQ skimmer bought from another reefer here,thanks for reminding me :thanks:

I will be uploading some picture soon,comments are welcome :)

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Woah bro. U didn't mention you have such goodies...

Must pay you a visit soon.

Goodies :blink: just common type :P You have all the sps goodies lor :bow: Sure you can visit me after CNY when i am free from work,visit only :P jkjk

:ThanxSmiley: for the cheato that day,really like your beautiful collection :welldone:

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Some new Photo


Please don't hurt me :wacko:


Some Mushroom


Sump tank frag


This one use to have zoa pox,after placing him in low flow without treatment,he is recoving now :upsidedown:


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