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Can non-quarantine fishes affect the whole tank


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Hey friends, recently my friend and I , each purchased one queen and French angel from a LS in a farm( not to mention the name). He added the two immediately to his tank and his whole tank of angels died the following day. For me, I have kept the two fishes in my quarantine. Does anyone have any idea if the two fishes are the cause of my friend's tank fatalities?

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  • Senior Reefer

non quarantined fishes can have disease and spread to kill other fishes. but nothing kills so fast as in one day. not even velvet.

how big is the tank

how many angels in it

properly cycled?

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it is best to boost up the immunity of your existing fish for at least 2 ~ 3 week before adding new fish into your tank. A healthy fish with good immune system will greatly lower the causality rate even if there is a disease being introduce from the new fish . Fish especially Angel and some tangs is very prom to diseases and it is better to QT it before adding to your main tank.

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just to set the record straight,

i don't think it's disease that kill all his fish.

no disease kills that fast. in one day. not that i know of at least.

most probably water quality issues.

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I'm going to agree with LemonLemon that its likely "water quality issues" ie. an ammonia spike.

While Brooklynella is more commonly associated with Clownfish it can and does affect other

marine fish. This protozoa multiplies rapidly and have been know to kill with within 8 hours.

Google The Brooklynella Parasite presented by Charles & Linda Raabe.

Clownfish and Rare Clownfish are my favorite fish.

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  • Senior Reefer

I'm going to agree with LemonLemon that its likely "water quality issues" ie. an ammonia spike.

While Brooklynella is more commonly associated with Clownfish it can and does affect other

marine fish. This protozoa multiplies rapidly and have been know to kill with within 8 hours.

8 hours?

ok that's pretty quick. i did not know that. thanks.

i'm guessing it spreads faster in a heavily stocked tank?

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8 hours?

ok that's pretty quick. i did not know that. thanks.

i'm guessing it spreads faster in a heavily stocked tank?

Yap! that is one scary parasite

Clownfish and Rare Clownfish are my favorite fish.

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Bros..thanks for all the idea.. Here is my friend's verdict...according to him..this angels are captured thru cyanide poisoning.. Thus, when the fishes are not quarantine and introduce immediately.. The two fishes "vomit" out the poison from their bodies and poisoned his whole tank...

I am not sure about his analysis.. Thus, I am hesitating to introduce the queen and french into my tank..

Any comments?

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  • Senior Reefer

Bros..thanks for all the idea.. Here is my friend's verdict...according to him..this angels are captured thru cyanide poisoning.. Thus, when the fishes are not quarantine and introduce immediately.. The two fishes "vomit" out the poison from their bodies and poisoned his whole tank...

I am not sure about his analysis.. Thus, I am hesitating to introduce the queen and french into my tank..

Any comments?

omg...? vomit out the poison? ok this is nonsense. not true at all.

first of all, queen angels and french angels are NOT cyanide caught. cyanide fishing is only restricted to indonesia and philippines. and the use of cyanide fishing in the last few years have greatly been reduced.

secondly, how did you friend get the idea that the fish can "vomit" out the poison from their body? cyanide affects the organs of the fish and cause slow death via organ failure and other problems.

and you still have not given us information about your tank.

what size

what parameters

without all this information we cannot help you.

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Bros..thanks for all the idea.. Here is my friend's verdict...according to him..this angels are captured thru cyanide poisoning.. Thus, when the fishes are not quarantine and introduce immediately.. The two fishes "vomit" out the poison from their bodies and poisoned his whole tank...

I am not sure about his analysis.. Thus, I am hesitating to introduce the queen and french into my tank..

Any comments?

Dear Bro tijou,

First of all your friend's verdict is the most ridiculous thing i've heard of in this hobby ever! Pls do not take truth in watever he told u, the fishes are not cyanide caught since they are not from philippines and bali and even that fishes cannot "vomit" the cyanide poison out of their body to kill the fishes. Even if they are down with cyanide, it takes a concentrated amount to wipe out a whole tank in one day, so how can a fish harbour so much cyanide in its body and still surviving for so long to reach our LFS?

Second i've also kept a heavily stocked FOWLR tank and has encountered many kind of diseases tat infect large angelfishes and other fishes, and i can tell u i'm 99.99% sure it's not disease tat wipe out the whole tank overnight! No disease can do so, not even brooklynella as his tank is not a clownfish only tank!

Pls buy a test kit and measure your ammonia level. If not do a 50% water change and tat should alleviate the problem temporarily.

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Hey bros..I m find his theory very ridiculous too but he is very sure of his assumption..that's why I shared on this forum..

Bro lemon..sorry I doesn't have much parameters data for his tank.. But it's a beautiful acrylic 3ftx3ftx2.5ft tank.. Really mouth watering..he paid close to 6k for it..

Before the intro of this two fishes, he had 12 angels in the tank for about 2 weeks.. I tend to agree w u guys that his water is not properly cycled... Nevertheless I think he is just too impatient because he is always very "cheong" in doing things like that.

Thanks for the all comments and I hope that no questions posted in this forum are considered stupid question..

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  • Senior Reefer

Hey bros..I m find his theory very ridiculous too but he is very sure of his assumption..that's why I shared on this forum..

Bro lemon..sorry I doesn't have much parameters data for his tank.. But it's a beautiful acrylic 3ftx3ftx2.5ft tank.. Really mouth watering..he paid close to 6k for it..

Before the intro of this two fishes, he had 12 angels in the tank for about 2 weeks.. I tend to agree w u guys that his water is not properly cycled... Nevertheless I think he is just too impatient because he is always very "cheong" in doing things like that.

Thanks for the all comments and I hope that no questions posted in this forum are considered stupid question..

no questions in this forum is considered stupid.

we're just shocked at the assumption so please pardon us.

12 angels in a tank in only 2 weeks is definitely NOT cycled.

the tank is going to crash and it just did.

so i hope your friend learns from his mistake and do things the right way.

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Hey bros..I m find his theory very ridiculous too but he is very sure of his assumption..that's why I shared on this forum..

Bro lemon..sorry I doesn't have much parameters data for his tank.. But it's a beautiful acrylic 3ftx3ftx2.5ft tank.. Really mouth watering..he paid close to 6k for it..

Before the intro of this two fishes, he had 12 angels in the tank for about 2 weeks.. I tend to agree w u guys that his water is not properly cycled... Nevertheless I think he is just too impatient because he is always very "cheong" in doing things like that.

Thanks for the all comments and I hope that no questions posted in this forum are considered stupid question..

That is very irresponsible, It is not cycled proper and within 2 weeks 12 angels and big ones... The result is crashing of the tank and waste of the lives of the fishes..

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Hey bros..I m find his theory very ridiculous too but he is very sure of his assumption..that's why I shared on this forum..

Bro lemon..sorry I doesn't have much parameters data for his tank.. But it's a beautiful acrylic 3ftx3ftx2.5ft tank.. Really mouth watering..he paid close to 6k for it..

Before the intro of this two fishes, he had 12 angels in the tank for about 2 weeks.. I tend to agree w u guys that his water is not properly cycled... Nevertheless I think he is just too impatient because he is always very "cheong" in doing things like that.

Thanks for the all comments and I hope that no questions posted in this forum are considered stupid question..

Pls tell him patience is the key to success in this hobby.

2 weeks add one fish. If he's gg to add big angel, den one fish a month!

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Yes..it's very irresponsible and so much money wasted...sigh

Btw.. For me..I I just got back to set up my fish only with dead rock tank after buying a tank from a fellow reefer from the forum..

Tank been running with 1 month plus.. Will post some photos once the tank is stable...

Thanks again..

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Yes..it's very irresponsible and so much money wasted...sigh

Btw.. For me..I I just got back to set up my fish only with dead rock tank after buying a tank from a fellow reefer from the forum..

Tank been running with 1 month plus.. Will post some photos once the tank is stable...

Thanks again..

Probably he wants to get the best out before Chinese New Year.

Best is to learnt from mistakes and seek further advices from senior reefers. Even though he has the spending power, we will be sad to hear about future loses of other fishes.

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