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  • SRC Member

Hello Guys

Went to this local LFS. Was really interested to get a fish and enquired about the price before i head down. Firstly, was told all the fishes were the same price and was even mentioned it was offered to me at discounted price.

all fishes were placed in different tanks and been looking and was keen on a particular one. Ii enquired about the price again for the piece I interested in and to my amazement, the piece of fish i been looking and interested in cost more than the others which i wasn't too keen on - reason being it's different from rest of the fish. Sensing that I was kinda piss the LFS changed track and said if I really interested, it'll be "special for me" and now same price as the others.

Should we support such LFS who is out to earn that extra bucks than earning respect and loyalty from return customers? Was seriously considering getting the fish but ended up getting piss and walk away.

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I think I know which LFS you're referring to - 2 immediate 'suspects' come to mind immediately hahaha.

Just to OT and share an experience of a friend at one of these 2 LFSes:

He walked in and had his eye on a nice small-sized Flamehawk and enquired about the price.

LFS: "Ah this one good piece. I give you good price - $XX,"

Customer: "Huh? So expensive ah? My friend bought his much cheaper somewhere else,"

LFS: "Is it? How much did your friend get it for?"

Customer: "$YY"

LFS: "Like that ah ok lah I give you same price also lah, special only for you,"

Mind you the price difference is like 30% lor. And they do it for most of the other items in the shop as well.

I guess at the end of the day, willing buyer concept rules lah. Just step out of the shop if you don't want to pay over the odds for what you want. That's my principle anyway. We're not obliged to buy if we're not comfortable with the pricing.

" ... and the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says, 'With fronds like these, who needs anemones?' " -Marlin the Clownfish-

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Understand yr feeling. Gotten such treatment and sentiment also. For me, didn't support the shop anymore and learned the smart way, buy thr their regulars if I got no choice. Lol, my advice from friends, scold the person who quote as this seems effective for some lfes but not for all. . . Lol. Just don't like the feeling of being carrot headed and their pricing strategy. For some lfes that have standard pricing, I am ok for their premium price. However, most shops do try to mark up for special and unique stocks. . Even though their cost price maybe the same.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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  • SRC Member

Like wise, I'm okay if the LFS have standard and standard premium prices. Just be honest and upfront about it. It's okay to mark up for unique, special and stable stocks but not when before mentioned all prices were the same and upon sensing that I like a particular piece made me carrot headed.

To bros who PM and ask for the LFS name. Sorry, I'm ethical enough not to stoop so low as the LFS ower to carrot head, name and shame the LFS. All I can say is its a very long time and experience LFS :)

The truth is out there :)

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  • SRC Member

I think I know which one also... but then again I could be wrong la.. It all boils down to the Willing Buyer Willing seller concept.

Sometimes one simply has to learn from past mistakes and then after that avoid the "unholy ground" :blink:

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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  • SRC Member

Bro, hope no hard feelings with my 2 cents worth...

Just thought the objective of us posting our 'feedback' in the forum is to share our experiences. We are not out to discredit a particular LFS if we post their names on the forum, just a friendly warning to other reefers to expect this if they decide to patronise the particular LFS. Those of us who have been LFSing for some time might know who you are referring to, but consider a newbie who comes to SRC, reads your inputs but doesn't add value to him.

Just food for thought: do we consider it name and shame for a particular brand when we say for example tt "because my Hydor K1 broke down only after 1 week of normal usage, imo the QC for hydor K1s might not be v. good"? If everyone follows a "don't name and shame policy" all posts in SRC will go along the lines of "this xxx brand wavemaker broke down only after 1 wk of normal usage, I think the QC for this brand and model of wavemaker isn't tt good", then all of us would be worse off don't you think?

Majority of us post our opinions on brands in the forum to assist reefers in their purchase, but why can't we post our opinions on LFS as long as it's done professionally? (i'm not encouraging flaming or childish comments here)

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  • SRC Member

Bro, hope no hard feelings with my 2 cents worth...

Just thought the objective of us posting our 'feedback' in the forum is to share our experiences. We are not out to discredit a particular LFS if we post their names on the forum, just a friendly warning to other reefers to expect this if they decide to patronise the particular LFS. Those of us who have been LFSing for some time might know who you are referring to, but consider a newbie who comes to SRC, reads your inputs but doesn't add value to him.

Just food for thought: do we consider it name and shame for a particular brand when we say for example tt "because my Hydor K1 broke down only after 1 week of normal usage, imo the QC for hydor K1s might not be v. good"? If everyone follows a "don't name and shame policy" all posts in SRC will go along the lines of "this xxx brand wavemaker broke down only after 1 wk of normal usage, I think the QC for this brand and model of wavemaker isn't tt good", then all of us would be worse off don't you think?

Majority of us post our opinions on brands in the forum to assist reefers in their purchase, but why can't we post our opinions on LFS as long as it's done professionally? (i'm not encouraging flaming or childish comments here)

i know which LFS...

Having differential pricing for newbies and regulars is a common practice in most LFS...

but if the LFS has quote a price on the phone and charges a different price when the reefer comes to collect is not ethical...shame shame (with my fingers on my cheeks)

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I guess it's only okay to share the basic feedback in this forum, but not directly at any particular LFS. What if the LFS mentioned is one of the sponsor here? And as this site need sponsors to be sustainable, won't this would make things "not so nice" for the moderators?

As much as I would like to share the infos and add value to nebwies but just like any businesses i'm sure there will always be supporters and detractors for each and every LFS. Perhaps some would even go to the extend to rally fellow reefers to be "key board heros" for them. As such, is there fairness? it will only end up as another never ending story episode.

My purpose here is not to reveal or pin point the LFS that did this kind of silly business tactics to me just to earn that extra few bucks. But to let reefers know there are such LFS around, gather opinions and hopefully the LFS in town will be more aware that reefers know such incidents are happening. Having been in LFS industry long doesn't means the LFS is trustworthy. Just need to see and buy with "eyes open" :)

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  • SRC Member

I guess it's only okay to share the basic feedback in this forum, but not directly at any particular LFS. What if the LFS mentioned is one of the sponsor here? And as this site need sponsors to be sustainable, won't this would make things "not so nice" for the moderators?

As much as I would like to share the infos and add value to nebwies but just like any businesses i'm sure there will always be supporters and detractors for each and every LFS. Perhaps some would even go to the extend to rally fellow reefers to be "key board heros" for them. As such, is there fairness? it will only end up as another never ending story episode.

My purpose here is not to reveal or pin point the LFS that did this kind of silly business tactics to me just to earn that extra few bucks. But to let reefers know there are such LFS around, gather opinions and hopefully the LFS in town will be more aware that reefers know such incidents are happening. Having been in LFS industry long doesn't means the LFS is trustworthy. Just need to see and buy with "eyes open" :)

i can understand your frustration...sometimes i get different pricing from the father and the son

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  • SRC Member

You have a point mopiko... the moderators in all fairness do walk a fine line here between wanting a fair exchange of information on all things reefing here in our tiny island of Singapore and at the same time need sponsership to keep this going. I fully acknowledge their behind the scenes efforts. /bow

However, sometimes I personally feel that if there is a need for feedback and factual/well deserved customer complaints, then the LFs in question should respond in kind. Especially if it pertains to shoddy workmanship or not listening to what customers want.

anyway, since our country is so small... word of mouth travels.. and it travels FAST!! :)

Cheers, ;)


Sheldon (TBBT): A little misunderstanding? Galileo and the Pope had a little misunderstanding...

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Well, hopefully we aren't threading on thin ice here, but IMO factual feedback and sponsorship are mutually exclusive. In fact, sponsors can take the opportunity to provide good customer service and after sales support by troubleshooting these feedback online.

That's what makes the RC forum so attractive and sustainable. Otherwise, with the huge number of sponsorships on almost every brandmajor brand and LFS, forum members there would be unable to talk about any brand/LFS at all if naming brands/LFS are sensitive?

That aside, local context, local practices. We may have other constraints here, but sometimes I do wish we could stop this practice of anonymous LFS/Brand. The forum is for our community of reefers to benefit by sharing both good and bad experiences, not just the good only. I always feel a tinge of sadness when I hear of yet another case of a newbie having a bad experience/huge carrot which could have been addressed in the forum. "Willing buyer, willing seller" they say, I suppose I can just shrug it off and say luckily I know better now...

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