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HELLO! fellow sistars and brothers reefers from another mother out there, posting for the very first time on my tank. So pls forgive me if this thread done haphazardly. Not a fan of blogs so posting is not 2nd nature to me.

Pictures of tank coming out shortly but some snippets on my current tank setup.

150G tank, 12mm 3 sided crystal with an EOS (Externtal Overflow System), dimensions 48x36x20.

Yes shallow tank is in but its also good for ones reefing well being. Those who are experiencing this problem can +1 to this thread. =)

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HELLO! fellow sistars and brothers reefers from another mother out there, posting for the very first time on my tank. So pls forgive me if this thread done haphazardly. Not a fan of blogs so posting is not 2nd nature to me.

Pictures of tank coming out shortly but some snippets on my current tank setup.

150G tank, 12mm 3 sided crystal with an EOS (Externtal Overflow System), dimensions 48x36x20.

Yes shallow tank is in but its also good for ones reefing well being. Those who are experiencing this problem can +1 to this thread. =)


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Whilst decomming my tank, did a alot of brianstorming with one of my reefing buddy and going onto RC to get some inspirational design idea. Which i will post links and hopefully it will inspire reefers to be bold and slightly different. Thats if there are no space, financial and CFO constrains.

Did a 3D sketch of my conceptual design using google sketch, not really a fantastic dwg compared to CAD but its good enough.


Here is an old sch paper and pen design blue print of my tank stand.


Wanted to use castor wheels for the platform supporting the sump tank so as to have easy access for maintenance of equipments. Idea was there but carpenter's advice was a no go as due to tank volume size it would deem the stand weak.

Idea was inspired by this guy on RC


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Grew tired of rusty door hinges therefore embarked on using panels which will be mounted using french cleat


Final tank stand using kapor wood


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Wanted to use castor wheels for the platform supporting the sump tank so as to have easy access for maintenance of equipments. Idea was there but carpenter's advice was a no go as due to tank volume size it would deem the stand weak.

Idea was inspired by this guy on RC


very great thread to follow! one of my favorites too! :wub: reef in the sky would definitely be a huge influence to me if i ever upgrade :)

bro so based on the carpenter even with quality wheels on a solid platform the movable sump idea is not possible?

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very great thread to follow! one of my favorites too! :wub: reef in the sky would definitely be a huge influence to me if i ever upgrade :)

bro so based on the carpenter even with quality wheels on a solid platform the movable sump idea is not possible?

He is one great inspiration but there are many more inspirational tanks out there which i will share later on.

The idea is possible but the carpenter didn't want to commit too much, plus the reef in the sky dude's tank is smaller in size so its possible to do castor wheels for the sump.

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Interesting scaping concept!

+1 from me as well. :)

Looking forward to pictures of the scaping soon!

Should work well with a shallow tank. But am wondering how one would be able to maintain the sloping substrate without it being shifted around?

" ... and the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says, 'With fronds like these, who needs anemones?' " -Marlin the Clownfish-

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Grew tired of rusty door hinges therefore embarked on using panels which will be mounted using french cleat


Final tank stand using kapor wood


That a great idea. I would have done that but now my tank is ready :chair::chair:

Love the size of ur tank. Will be tagging along. :thumbsup:

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Here is the sump tank, very similar design as our fellow reefer Lemon. I strongly recommend this design layout if any of you guys have the luxury of space. Reason being that i have 3 compartments within a sump tank

Compartment 1: Live rocks can be placed here to nurture good bacteria growth.

Compartment 2: This is my favorite part of the sump tank, this little compartment has become my frag holding area. I call this the frag tank in a sump tank.

Compartment 3: This is where you can place your skimmer, return pumps, chiller pumps and other necessary equipment that will aid your reefing happiness.





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Here is the side panel of where i house my electrical sockets and wave maker modules.


Just some updates on the equipment i have are

1. Reef Octopus INT 5000 skimmer

2. Ehiem compact 5000 return pump

3. Ehiem compact 3000 chiller pump

4. Skimz FR t-off from chiller pump to run rhowa medium

5. Bubble magus dosing pump

6. Lights T5 6x54W

For wave motion am using 2 MP40W and 2 Tunze 6055 with 7096 controller.

So back to the theme of my tank, an almost I.W.A.G.U.M.I set up. Got myself 5 rocks to play with and this is the initial rock scape that i did.


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