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Iceman's 120g Rimless Tank


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  • SRC Member

:ThanxSmiley: That always the case, You will never have enough space for coral. :lol:

What U use to stick on glass??

yeap like the others mentioned BSI IC gel works fine. i used it to stick my staghorn and and montis since they all grow out. time will tell what it becomes! but still better then a black box :lol:

btw i think the bluish/purple piece at the centre can be a real gem :fear:


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  • SRC Member

yeap like the others mentioned BSI IC gel works fine. i used it to stick my staghorn and and montis since they all grow out. time will tell what it becomes! but still better then a black box :lol:

btw i think the bluish/purple piece at the centre can be a real gem :fear:


I got that piece from ML. It was at a corner and I think nobody notice it. B)

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  • SRC Member

awesome shallow sps tank! salivates at the sps.. :thumbsup:

btw, loving the red haddoni, but why your haddoni so special, prefers the rocks rather than on sand!? :lol:

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  • SRC Member

awesome shallow sps tank! salivates at the sps.. :thumbsup:

btw, loving the red haddoni, but why your haddoni so special, prefers the rocks rather than on sand!? :lol:


This haddoni love to move around the tank when I first introduce. It almost got chop up by the wavemaker.

Luckily I saw it. If not my tank will be :sick::sick: :sick: :sick:

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