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Apogon Parvulus and Sun Coral for sale


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Item 1: Apogon Parvulus x 9

Description: Small peaceful schooling fishes(1" long), v hardy and easy, bought from CF. Eat mysis, and baby size pellets readily. Selling because the hogfish in my tank is eating the parvulus one by one.

Selling price: Whole group for $30

Picture below not mine, but fish look exactly the same:


Item 2: Sun coral

Description: Many heads(see pic below), healthy and opens up whenever i feeds. Bought from Iwarna. Decide to sell as recently wan to reduce feeding of cyclopeeze due to fishes starting to take pellets. Size is about 3" length.

Selling price: $20

Pictures(sorry not v clear) taken today:


Collection is at Woodlands. Prefer FCFS. U can pm me or sms me (pls try not to call) at 96951347.

Thank U for viewing :)

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I hav overwhelming responses for the sun coral.

Sorry i cant reply all. The coral is taken and it the person fail to collect at 1030am tmr, i'll contact the next person in line.

My apology again to those tat i did not reply.

The cardinals are still available. V healthy batch bought from CF. All feeding v well.

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