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Paracheilinus ID

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  • Senior Reefer

mccosker's flasher wrasse.

Paracheilinus mccoskeri.

sorry from your description i thought they were flavianalis but these are nice beautiful full grown males of mccosker's flasher wrasse.

these are very often imported from the Maldives, but these at CF are imported from Indonesia. a rare import from indonesia but somehow CF manage to find a sustainable and cheap source!

there is another morph of mccosker's flasher wrasse from africa that has pure red anal fins and a blackish tail fin. this morph is rarer and seldom available! i've gotten a few pieces before from LCK.

the african ones differ from the maldivian/indonesian ones by the anal fin and tail.



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  • Senior Reefer

do these have the ability to revert back to females?

i think i gotten all three males,two of around the same size while there's a smaller one.hope they don't behave like firefishes,leaving me with only one in the end


reverting back to females. i have not personally observed this in flasher wrasses but it is possible for fairy wrasse.

so i can't advice you on that.

they won't kill each other. only chasing alot and flashing alot. u need to cover the tank or you will lose them to jumping.

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  • SRC Member

If your tank not large enough, the 2 underdogs are bound to be bullied forever until they becomes skinny and dull in colour.


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