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Weekly update 17 Jan - 23 Jan 2011

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  • Senior Reefer

in order of appearance.

Juvenile Chaetodon robustus. Robustus butterfly.

coris atlantica

juve africanus angel

gold heart trigger

sub adult africanus angel

bodianus speciosus hogfish.

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  • Senior Reefer

Omg... Been waiting for e juv africanus... Anyone can help me to get... Bz wit werk tis week n got no time to go to lck... Arrggg....

alot bro.

around 20+ more than enough for you to go down when u free.

idea31.gif Finally get to see this beauty

very beautiful, juvenile africanus. and they came in before.

but the beauty is shortlived. in a few weeks to 1-2 months, they will out grow their juvenile colours. very quickly.

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alot bro.

around 20+ more than enough for you to go down when u free.

very beautiful, juvenile africanus. and they came in before.

but the beauty is shortlived. in a few weeks to 1-2 months, they will out grow their juvenile colours. very quickly.

Anyone care to share the temperament of the hogfish? Is it the big bully type n how's the care level? Can't google it. Thanks in advance.

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  • Senior Reefer

Anyone care to share the temperament of the hogfish? Is it the big bully type n how's the care level? Can't google it. Thanks in advance.

grows very very very very big in the wild.

but in the tank it doesn't grow too big. and grows pretty slowly.

i think. not many ppl keep it before here. it's a rather new fish in singapore but common elsewhere.

should be quite peaceful..

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The africa shipment at LCK:

Many small Bodianus Speciosus (<2") at 2 red notes each. Super good price and beautiful fish! Peaceful and grow slowly in captivity.


Many tiny 2cm africanus at 8 red notes each!


One small robustus butterfly, 2" at 5 red notes.

Other small to medium size africanus.

Also a few small to medium size golden heart trigger.

V good shipment as all the fishes are either small or medium size and many are small to tiny size.


Tryssogobius Gobies x 10

Two pairs of whitecap goby + rubro shrimp.

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The africa shipment at LCK:

Many small Bodianus Speciosus (<2") at 2 red notes each. Super good price and beautiful fish! Peaceful and grow slowly in captivity.


Many tiny 2cm africanus at 8 red notes each!


One small robustus butterfly, 2" at 5 red notes.

Other small to medium size africanus.

Also a few small to medium size golden heart trigger.

V good shipment as all the fishes are either small or medium size and many are small to tiny size.


Tryssogobius Gobies x 10

Two pairs of whitecap goby + rubro shrimp.

OMG, so cute!!!

Member of:


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if you are with a friend...

me black tshirt army shorts

paiseh never say hi to you

always bother you in cyberworld lol

No i was alone, but with my two dogs later on. U saw me before wat, cos i remember u bought my purple firefish. But i forgot how u look like, so next time u see me again mux say hi to me first :)

Ok off-topic, later get warning.

Mux update something.

CF still has the following:

Lots of aussie scolymia left.

Naoko fairy wrasse

New multilineatum basslet small size

Many small mccosker flasher (i think it's mccosker, not 100% sure)

A few nigripes clownfish aka black foot clownfish

Big emperor angelfish

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grows very very very very big in the wild.

but in the tank it doesn't grow too big. and grows pretty slowly.

i think. not many ppl keep it before here. it's a rather new fish in singapore but common elsewhere.

should be quite peaceful..

Thanks again LemonLemon. If what I saw at the images on the nett is the same fish. Scary lei. Someone ever caught half of our body size. A big thank u again.

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  • SRC Member

ya i saw you before but chop chop

furthermore so dark that night lol

CF also has a few yellow fin flasher

spotted AT at both CF & LCK, iirc 2 piece each

happy reefing

Bro any idea how much CF selling the AT? Was very tempted to get fm LCK but the 2 buggers still not feeding so dared not take the risk.

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  • SRC Member

AM Philippines fish shipment . Any update ? :ThanxSmiley:

Main tank: 48 x 24 x 22

Skimmer: BM

Return pump: Eheim 1264

Wavemaker: Tunze 6065, 6085 & Hydor Koralia 5

Lighting: Beamworks Led

Enductor Fluidized Reactor FR30 : NP Pellets

TLF PhosBan Reactor

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Bro any idea how much CF selling the AT? Was very tempted to get fm LCK but the 2 buggers still not feeding so dared not take the risk.

a few bro, including me, got from LCK few weeks ago

starting taking prepared food pretty soon

but mine on and off got ich problem

good luck

as for pricing at CF, i dunno, sorry

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alot bro.

around 20+ more than enough for you to go down when u free.

very beautiful, juvenile africanus. and they came in before.

but the beauty is shortlived. in a few weeks to 1-2 months, they will out grow their juvenile colours. very quickly.

Is this fish Reef Safe? Anyone care to advise? Thanks!


I Love Stagsss

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Is this fish Reef Safe? Anyone care to advise? Thanks!

Holacanthus africanus

SPS safe. LPS and softies depends. Generally not safe with meaty LPS like prata and open brains. Softies may be not safe with zoas. Otherwise quite safe.

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The africa shipment at LCK:

Many small Bodianus Speciosus (<2") at 2 red notes each. Super good price and beautiful fish! Peaceful and grow slowly in captivity.


Many tiny 2cm africanus at 8 red notes each!


One small robustus butterfly, 2" at 5 red notes.

Other small to medium size africanus.

Also a few small to medium size golden heart trigger.

V good shipment as all the fishes are either small or medium size and many are small to tiny size.


Tryssogobius Gobies x 10

Two pairs of whitecap goby + rubro shrimp.

How small are the Tryssogobious.Are they the blue-eyed gobies?

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