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might WTS declivis butterflyfish


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  • Senior Reefer

Hello friends,

am considering to sell this declivis butterflyfish. Going to add a new roaps butterflyfish and IF they don't play well together, then this fella has to go. so just gauging interest for now. might not sell it if the two fishes do not fight so don't be dissapointed if i don't sell it.

asking price $200. price in LFS is around this price. fish has been with me for very long, eats anything, no disease and very fat.

declivis butterfly is a member of the roaps sub genus and all butterflies in this group are extremely hardy and fairly disease resistant. no problem in getting them to feed even on shipment day.

attached a picture of it being hand fed with mysis. and another pic of it being cleaned.

******* potential buyers please note that this fish is fairly reef safe as far as butterflies go. this fish does not live in shallow water reefs unlike many of it's relative. rather, it lives in deeper water where there's plenty of rubble rock and not much corals.

however, there's a risk it might eat your corals so if i'm planning to sell it, i'm not letting it go to anyone who cannot afford to take some risk.

it has not taken a bite of anything except fish food and liverock in my tank since day 1.



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  • Senior Reefer

hi im interested, if u decide to sell could u msg me at 83462236 thnks

ok will keep you in mind should i decide to sell.


very nice Yellow Long-nose Butterfly fish


long nose butterfly not for sale.

it's very common and very easy fish.

and reef safe also.

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ok will keep you in mind should i decide to sell.


long nose butterfly not for sale.

it's very common and very easy fish.

and reef safe also.

reef safe even for tubeworms and LPS etc?

I like the longnose very much, but I heard stories, sorry to hijack your thread for clarifications

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LoNg nose safe with everything except tube worms

Lemon, above looks like Forcipiger flavissimus right? Any idea Forcipiger longirostris available here? Cheers

Upz to your sales.... :)


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon, above looks like Forcipiger flavissimus right? Any idea Forcipiger longirostris available here? Cheers

Upz to your sales.... :)

yes i have F. flavissimus.

F. longirostris is available in singapore. search harder, it can be found. but it's quite rare. i only see it occasionally.

you know how to differentiate right?

Longirostris vs flavissimus:

longer nose vs shorter nose.

black mask covers the whole eye vs black mask covering only half the eye

chest has tiny black spots vs chest without spots

longirostris is harder to keep tha flavissimus.

flavisimmus is VERY VERY easy. eats mysis almost instantly.

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yes i have F. flavissimus.

F. longirostris is available in singapore. search harder, it can be found. but it's quite rare. i only see it occasionally.

you know how to differentiate right?

Longirostris vs flavissimus:

longer nose vs shorter nose.

black mask covers the whole eye vs black mask covering only half the eye

chest has tiny black spots vs chest without spots

longirostris is harder to keep tha flavissimus.

flavisimmus is VERY VERY easy. eats mysis almost instantly.

Thanks :)


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

thanks everybody for the response.

i have enough potential buyers already.

after seeing ur post i spotted a pair at irwarnas shipment =D i was the early bird apparently so i bought it hehe so beautiful and healthy to add!!! wanted to get my hands on those deep sea fishhes they brought in this time but it will do a massive massacre haha !!! (was referring to the yellow long nose butterflyfish) .. And apprently their shipment only consist of two of them =D

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  • Senior Reefer

after seeing ur post i spotted a pair at irwarnas shipment =D i was the early bird apparently so i bought it hehe so beautiful and healthy to add!!! wanted to get my hands on those deep sea fishhes they brought in this time but it will do a massive massacre haha !!! (was referring to the yellow long nose butterflyfish) .. And apprently their shipment only consist of two of them =D

yah these butterflies seldom arrive in bad shape and eat very soon after.

i'm going to close this thread so reply me in my tank thread if you have anything else to say.

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