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WTS- Refugium Equipment package- to Clear at 45bucks!


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  • SRC Member

Selling off some of my equipment previously used in my now decommed Refugium. Decommed due to implementation of Ultralith system. The chaeto was a nitrate sponge and competed for fuel with the bacteria. Hence I had to decomm my Refugium. All equipment less than 3months old.

3 LED light tubes (Bottom 2 blue LED tubes sold)(less than 3 months old)

Each light tube is about 10inches long. Red light enhances growth rate of chaeto as compared to blue. I balanced it by using a Blue LED light tubes.


IMG_0484 by AloysiusMun, on Flickr

6 plug socket (less than 3 months old)


IMG_0485 by AloysiusMun, on Flickr

Dymax (1200L/hr)(Almost brand new)

This was intended for us with my FR however it was too strong, only touched water once. Can be used to generate water movement in Refugium. Good flow is required for Chaeto to grow well. Comes with output flow regulator and sucker cups to attach pump to glass.


IMG_0422 by AloysiusMun, on Flickr

Selling package for 45 bucks! groupwavereversed.gif

Good deal to enhance the efficiency of your Refugium (Nitrate and Phophate export)

PM or SMS me at 97580282 for immediate deal. Deal preferably in the East. groupwavereversed.gif


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