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A devil in my tank


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The night raid ( Plan 7 ) was called off. This was due to the well executed improved dry run of Plan 1, held earlier. I was ###### sure that I could use this method again in the morning and settle the score once and for all.

Came this morning, I stepped out of the room, to the music by Queen. Freddy Mercury blasting : " we are the champions- my friends, And we keep on fighting till the end. we are the Champions, no time for losers, we are the Champions..."

Every step I made is an inch closer to total Victory. Annihilation of the enemy. Even my fart smelt good. :wacko: It cant be wrong

I faced the arrogant but fearless ms Bell. She turned her back on me, lifted it up to show a piece of shitt at me. This is 10X worse than being shown a middle finger. what a display of immatured dissent. This has to be the last straw. :angry:

Quickly i took position. Put in a frozen piece of Henry gourmet into the beta box.Bent my back and put the trap down. Enemies swam towards and circled the box, very like sharks going for the kill. I decided to tilt the box to ensure better final execution. I stayed at this position for a good 20 mins.

Then I noticed the enemies were no where to be seen. Have they mastered the guerrilla hit and run technique ?

Than I realised they were at the right bottom of the tank.

To be continued...

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They were enjoying henry's gourmet at the bottom. I had dropped it while tilting the box. and i was foolishly holding the box with no bait inside. My back ache. My ego plunged. It was self destruction.

Caught ! I was caught with my pants down. Another victory for ms Bell. :thumbdown:

i bowed my head and walked away from the tank. :mellow: The Queen was now playing : 'Another one bits the dust.. '

From the corner of my eyes, i could see Ms Bell smile.

cheers. :D

**To those reefers who congratuated me earlier : I did not say Ms Bell was caught. It was me who was caught. Morale : Dont jump the guns . **

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They were enjoying henry's gourmet at the bottom. I had dropped it while tilting the box. and i was foolishly holding the box with no bait inside. My back ache. My ego plunged. It was self destruction.

Caught ! I was caught with my pants down. Another victory for ms Bell. :thumbdown:

i bowed my head and walked away from the tank. :mellow: The Queen was now playing : 'Another one bits the dust.. '

From the corner of my eyes, i could see Ms Bell smile.

cheers. :D

**To those reefers who congratuated me earlier : I did not say Ms Bell was caught. It was me who was caught. Morale : Dont jump the guns . **


(-_-) Happy will do ... (o_o)

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Wow finally, congrat congrat. :welldone:

Bro, really love this thread. Glad you managed to execute your battle order, hope there were no collatoral damage.

Awaiting your sitrep, time for some R&R boys! :):welldone:

So I guess you hear John Lennon wailing in your head this morning....

"Imagine all the people (and fishes)... Living life in peace... Wohooohoooo"

Gentlemen of the reefing world, your congrats were well intended but too early ejaculated. I hope this is not the case in your personal life. Next time, only send greetings when i mentioned that ms bell is caught. thank you for your understanding.


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Perceptions perception perceptions! This thread is indeed an interesting read! :groupwavereversed:

this is too gripping !!! i also thought ms bell was already caught ! when will you be coming out with a book on this ? ... movie rights ? :eyebrow:

25 Gal Micro Ocean

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hahaaa Charlie Mike today bro!

A good commander knows when to retreat, but the better commander pushes for a counter attack. Push on relentlessly! I say, go into seige mode and starve the bugger till he wavers at the sight of the delicious pot of abalone you will be having for dinner tonight, and sumptuous escargot n foie gras over the weekend.

And when he thinks life is miserable enough having to go to sleep w/o eating, all actions go with plan # 7. Knock him out with your E.T. lights and beam him up, Scotty!

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Just in case you really are going to starve it, Please remove your acans from the tank first to avoid more casualties. laugh.gif


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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:cheers: Hah Hah...CMO Mikey, so wat is the 'Nite-Snack' menu for tonite ?

:blush: Ooops !...& dun forget to sanitize ya rhythmic 'lubricated' hands before serving ! :eyebrow:

White flag to you. Can never outgun Commander Kueytoc. Carry on, take your weapon out and shoot the lizard at the ceillig. Shoot not spit, please.


Some video or pic shots pls....

Yes commander. Will do that on weekends.

Bro mike... Im sori, i cant catch that fish the other day. One of the bro mention to use a ziplock bag... Tats a gd idea... Patience is the key... Now im at malaysia. Got a cal from my mum after ive reach hum... My uncle pass away...

Sorry to hear that. will send ms Bell to you if i can catch it.

Cool, bro.

this is too gripping !!! i also thought ms bell was already caught ! when will you be coming out with a book on this ? ... movie rights ? :eyebrow:

cumming soon..ohh...


hahaaa Charlie Mike today bro!

A good commander knows when to retreat, but the better commander pushes for a counter attack. Push on relentlessly! I say, go into seige mode and starve the bugger till he wavers at the sight of the delicious pot of abalone you will be having for dinner tonight, and sumptuous escargot n foie gras over the weekend.

And when he thinks life is miserable enough having to go to sleep w/o eating, all actions go with plan # 7. Knock him out with your E.T. lights and beam him up, Scotty!

Roger Niner Niner..

Starve it?? Not unless mike removes all the acans.

With the amount of goodies in the tank, ms bell will never go hungry. Haha.

Maybe eniram can help. His method seemed to work quite well.

Commander Eniram, please standby next week for final push..yo yo dont you thrust your pervis now.. thats not whay i mean when i said final push..

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Just in case you really are going to starve it, Please remove your acans from the tank first to avoid more casualties. laugh.gif

More confusion now. I am trying to remove Ms Bell and now you ask me to remove the acans. :chair: Really, its not your fault. I am a wounded soldier, mentally defeated. I just woke up thinking I am Ms Bell dreaming i am a reefer.Does it confuse you ? Haha..


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So you are employing an ancient trusted technique - confusion in the battlefield. Just be careful of friendly fire. sleep.gif

"If you wish to feign confusion in order to lure the enemy on, you must first have perfect discipline; if you wish to display timidity in order to entrap the enemy, you must have extreme courage; if you wish to parade your weakness in order to make the enemy over-confident, you must have exceeding strength." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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So you are employing an ancient trusted technique - confusion in the battlefield. Just be careful of friendly fire. sleep.gif

"If you wish to feign confusion in order to lure the enemy on, you must first have perfect discipline; if you wish to display timidity in order to entrap the enemy, you must have extreme courage; if you wish to parade your weakness in order to make the enemy over-confident, you must have exceeding strength." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Excellent !!! Instead of reading Sun Tzu, i read Confucius. Now i know whats wrong. Thanks for straightening my path. Now i see the light... Hope its not the light of incoming MRT train.


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for goodness sake...stop trumatising yourself n having to squeeze your LJ n LP...use a harpoon to catch your devil lah....i tot i come back from vietnam today, the devil shd be in someone's else tank feasting on his acans....but its still in your tank...muahahahaha...

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Greetings, reefer friends. Bleus was caught. No duff. She was caught yesterday at 2000hrs, 1.5 hours after the usual feeding time. With this, i would end in a more serious note. They are many things that can be shared here and all plans/methods are contributed by commanders/reefers. They are all effective and can be used for any reefer with similiar problem.

Thank you for your participation and above all, the contributions.

I will let all know how i did it, and post some pics.

The thread will end by Sunday.

Thank you.

**Ms Bell is in the sump, under POW terms.


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Ms Bell was caught off guard. First, it was about 2 hours from her normal feeding time. She was anticipating food. Second,the trap was at her usual feeding place. She let her guard down. Third, she had seen the beta box for the last 3 feeding times, it was a food tray not a food trap.

I used a small beta box with an opening on one side. I held it with the opening slightly facing upwards. With a light wrist movement, the opening would face higher up, making it impossible for her to escape.

I put in a mysis cube and held on to the box. Soon she ventured forward a few times. Finally 1 " inside. i tilted the box swiftly. The momentum pushes her in. She was trapped.

It pays to be cool. Thank you again, Reefer CoolGuy.


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I started this thread looking at the problem in a lighter and hopefully on the sunny side. I was a fan of Mad Magazine,thats why. Alfred E .Neuman think alike.

But the contributions are all serious and this thread covers at least 8 effective ways. :score: Reefers facing similiar problems need to look no further. Its all covered here.

Ms Bell will be transferred to CoolGuy tomolo, to join other Angels in his Heavenly tank. Angel keepers are Cool.

For the record, do you think I will seriously harm Ms Bell ? I have said i wouldnt hurt a fly. I am a gentle reefer. :peace:

Latter postings will be more pics and less words.. Now charging bat.

Remember the thread close on Sunday...


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If theres a prize for the most engaging thread.. This must be the one.

Super funny. But yet 90% not off topic.

Wow close to 1900 view within 4 days? Prehapes we should move this thread to the member tank section so that it can contest for the ongoing "Best thread contest" :o ??

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Prehapes we should move this thread to the member tank section so that it can contest for the ongoing "Best thread contest" :o ??

Oh yeah, good suggestion!

Mike will have to start sharing more details of his tank! More gems more gems..

Btw does he need to agree to the shift of thread location?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Oh yeah, good suggestion!

Mike will have to start sharing more details of his tank! More gems more gems..

Btw does he need to agree to the shift of thread location?

Yes mike if you are reading this and don't mind us shifting your thread to the tank member section? Prehapes I could also help u change the thread title as well lol?

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