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A devil in my tank


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coz the colours of aussie acans are like strawberries to them...its just like...i'm attracted to skin colours of the opp sex...

:agreed: Either color, smell or taste. Very yummy!! LOL

Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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need help to re-scape you know my number... just ring me

Oni San, you wanna come over this evening ? Assistant to Bro CG..

Just chanced upon this thread yesterday, great read..Then login today and someone's about to climax..LOL!! Will stay tuned to see where it ends.

The drama/saga will end this evening...maybe :paiseh:

Haha bro, this incident just happened to me too. My flame angel feasted on my newly acquired aussie acan CF latest shipment (my 1st try) just the very moment I placed it in the main tank. Luckily I had only two aussie acan and managed to safe them by tranfering to my fragging tank. But dont be surprise, even in my frag tank my fox face doing the same LOL. But no worry, coz am having another frag tank as reserve for lps. There no fish and they start to bloom back. Thanks god!

I believed there kinda good taste with the aussie acan as my old fellow acans (normal one five of them) never being touch at all by the fame angel.

Btw you have alot of GEMS there bro, and wish you good luck on your endeavour.

You said it, thairun. Even my banana wrasse had a liking for it. But it was easy to haul the wrasse up. Now in life sentence in someone else tank. I am also watching the coral band. One wrong move, and up and away to the sump tank. :yahoo:

coz the colours of aussie acans are like strawberries to them...its just like...i'm attracted to skin colours of the opp sex...

I see much similiarity in you and the blue belle. Only diff is she is a virgin, are you ? :whistle But both psycho attraction for the acan/ opposite sex is the same. So in order to capture the belle, i have got to understand its mind. so,would you be kind ennough to come for an interview ? ;)

Silence of the lambs.. you know the movie ? :upsidedown:


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Oni San, you wanna come over this evening ? Assistant to Bro CG..

The drama/saga will end this evening...maybe :paiseh:

You said it, thairun. Even my banana wrasse had a liking for it. But it was easy to haul the wrasse up. Now in life sentence in someone else tank. I am also watching the coral band. One wrong move, and up and away to the sump tank. :yahoo:

I see much similiarity in you and the blue belle. Only diff is she is a virgin, are you ? :whistle But both psycho attraction for the acan/ opposite sex is the same. So in order to capture the belle, i have got to understand its mind. so,would you be kind ennough to come for an interview ? ;)

Silence of the lambs.. you know the movie ? :upsidedown:


i think your acan is virgin...that's y your fishes going for it

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It's a girl this time.

B then G. :)

Am thinking of uploading pix via netbook but the wifi here is quite terok. Intermittent connection.. Can't complain is it's free..

iPhone obviously can't upload no sh*t.

Ced was here earlier with Ray actually.

Waiting for the field report ah...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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CoolGuy 0 Bell 1.

Thank you, Mr Coolguy.

Mr CoolGuy didnt lose his cool even having to wait for me 50 mins at the mrt station. He is the real :angel:

Mr CoolGuy didnt lose his cool even when Ms Bell was flirting with him in the water. Some people call this c ck teaser.

Mr CoolGuy didnt lose his cool and continue to adopt the same strategy, with his body bent, for more than 30 mins. :superman:

And finally, Mr CoolGuy cooly accepts that the Bell is 1 over him this time. :thumbsup:

Thank you, Mr CoolGuy. I really appreciate your help and I must say i have learned from you to be cool and relax when dealing with a difficult opponent. :ThanxSmiley:

So its another battle lost; Reefers 0 Bell 2. The war continues. Whos next ?

call me at 82010133 if you are up to it.

In the meantime, i will adopt CoolGuy's method. I am also thinking of coating gel onto pellets and feed them to Ms Bell. Hopefully the gel will glued her lips and resulting :rip: .

Cotinue to come forward with your ideas.

The Devil remains in my tank..for now. :P

Cheers :cheers:

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  • Senior Reefer

have u tried the lights off and blast technique?

it's very very useful... i know you've mentioned that it sleeps deep in the rocks.

but at night when everything is sleeping, one to two hours after lights off, you blast your tank lights.

everything will be very blur. if ur bellus is deep in a cave, use a stick to prod it out. it will be very very stunned and won't swim much. just prod it out and faster scoop.

it's worth a shot.

seriously. i've tried it many times on even damsels.

try it.

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have u tried the lights off and blast technique?

it's very very useful... i know you've mentioned that it sleeps deep in the rocks.

but at night when everything is sleeping, one to two hours after lights off, you blast your tank lights.

everything will be very blur. if ur bellus is deep in a cave, use a stick to prod it out. it will be very very stunned and won't swim much. just prod it out and faster scoop.

it's worth a shot.

seriously. i've tried it many times on even damsels.

try it.

I value your contribution as you are so learned on marine. I will do it tomorrow nite. Needs to let my corals recover from the shock of this evening's battle. Reorg for tomolo night.

Night Battle Strategy by LL. Full MH light + 4 X T5 + led. It reminds me of US war strategy on Iraq.Thanks LL :ThanxSmiley:

** I have a good feeling, it will work. Gonna feed her heavily on the night itself to make her sluggish. Last supper :lol: **


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  • Senior Reefer

yup do try the light method.

but make sure it's sound asleep first :) and stalk it. know it's position.

then quickly blast the lights and faster prod it out and scoop.

angels have spines on the cheek so be careful when using a net to scoop it. it's spine ma get stuck and it will hurt or injure the fish badly. i use a sieve net to minimise damage.

use net also can. just be careful

good luck!! :)

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mike san, starve the other fish and put the beta box in it, once miss bel go inside shuts it .. lol (say so simple).. can try this also... (but must have coolguy patience) hehe

oni san come over to do it lah. We stay so near to each other. Uncle bones ache liao..


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yup do try the light method.

but make sure it's sound asleep first :) and stalk it. know it's position.

then quickly blast the lights and faster prod it out and scoop.

angels have spines on the cheek so be careful when using a net to scoop it. it's spine ma get stuck and it will hurt or injure the fish badly. i use a sieve net to minimise damage.

use net also can. just be careful

good luck!! :)

Yes, i will construct a night battle plan. Operation Shock and Awe. :thumbsup:

More on it tomolo.

Good nite, kid

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oni san come over to do it lah. We stay so near to each other. Uncle bones ache liao..


ok... tml night cannot haha. friday night if miss bel is on killing spree.. try strave it i bring over the pet hotel beta box.. then we try :friends:

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Ms. Bell might fall into CG's trap if given more time. The trap need to be in the tank for some time (even days) until the fishes are accustomed to it.

You can also try no lights method. Shut off all lights, probe the fish with some stick to make it come out from the rocks. Use the probe to corral it and catch it with a trasparent/translucent container. Such containers are almost invisible to the fishes underwater.

You can use a red spectrum light to help you see. Such spectrum is said to be less visible to fishes. Think about the NS issue field hand torch with the red filter. If you have night vision goggles, even better. shifty.gifshifty.gif


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Good Morning, reefers bros. I woke up this morning to Barry Manilow 's " cant smile without you ". Reefer GC taught me to be 'COOL", in order to execute the hardware plan of capturing ms bell successful. :peace::P . You see i m actually smiling. I luv you, ms bell...err..not yet.

i went to the tank. I smiled to ms Bell even as she flashed the V sign from her tail, adding insult to my injury. Gross mockery. Never mind, I smiled again..i was filled with peace..at least from the top part of my body. My hands were in my pocket, squeezing hard on " you know what ". I am a Hokkien, and when Hokkiens are frustrated, they squeeze their LumP..

I retreated..evey step is a pain. Humilliation... Still i maintained my cool but hands in pocket squeezing harder..

I went to the room..change the music..hard rock lyrics.." got to be a warrior..slave i couldnt be..". Yes, all pumped up. Barry Manilo is too soft. Adrenalin overflowed. With ###### like strength, i reviewed and improved my latest battle plan.....a plan contributed by reefers..

I will roll out this plan in a little while.. SAF trained

cheers :)

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ROFL!!!! bth la i was laughing when i was reading this post.. you rox mike san.. haha

Good Morning, reefers bros. I woke up this morning to Barry Manilow 's " cant smile without you ". Reefer GC taught me to be 'COOL", in order to execute the hardware plan of capturing ms bell successful. :peace::P . You see i m actually smiling. I luv you, ms bell...err..not yet.

i went to the tank. I smiled to ms Bell even as she flashed the V sign from her tail, adding insult to my injury. Gross mockery. Never mind, I smiled again..i was filled with peace..at least from the top part of my body. My hands were in my pocket, squeezing hard on " you know what ". I am a Hokkien, and when Hokkiens are frustrated, they squeeze their LumP..

I retreated..evey step is a pain. Humilliation... Still i maintained my cool but hands in pocket squeezing harder..

I went to the room..change the music..hard rock lyrics.." got to be a warrior..slave i couldnt be..". Yes, all pumped up. Barry Manilo is too soft. Adrenalin overflowed. With ###### like strength, i reviewed and improved my latest battle plan.....a plan contributed by reefers..

I will roll out this plan in a little while.. SAF trained

cheers :)

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