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A devil in my tank


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Remove the water. She might stay at a corner till she is immobilized and then you can pick her up. Add back the water but do it slowly as not to disturb the sand bed, less all the accumulated nasties are churned back in the water. Have a few gallon of new salt mixed water ready to off set and dirty water.

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Thats if the he can reach into his rock works to get the angel out. Tried before to catch my maroon and purple tang. Both hid in rockworks and totally impossible to take then out without removing rocks.

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Damn good thread! Super farney and light hearted way of sharing your painful and $$$$ experience.

Hope you can get your hands on ms bell soon before she moves in on ur other exotic acans.

Yo Wil, crack your brains too. You know my tank, so conjested. Not easy. Too drastic handling, damage sps. Hope your butterfly is doing well.

wah all the acan so shui shui one, haha probably getting interested in acans too.

Dont try. Go for JC acans better..haha.. :agreed:

nice zoas and acans! i hope all ends good for both the bellus and your corals :thumbsup:

Thats a fairy tale. Still i thank you for your good wishes. ;)

Remove the water. She might stay at a corner till she is immobilized and then you can pick her up. Add back the water but do it slowly as not to disturb the sand bed, less all the accumulated nasties are churned back in the water. Have a few gallon of new salt mixed water ready to off set and dirty water.

Thanks bro. I have too many caves in my setup. Cant reach it. Anyway great idea :bow:

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  • SRC Member

:evil: Main problem is ya neglected hot-babe BELLUS is 'jealous' of ya Acan Gems especially ya 'Pinkie Panty' that has been ya much focus of attention. Ignoring her 'advances' & forgetting her needful pamperings, so revenge she seeks to end her untold 'sufferings'.

:eyebrow: 2 solutions U padawan must take to quick-fix the problem:

(1) Introduce a virile Male Bellus stud to spice up her bored life or

(2) Transfer all ya modesty-intact 'Lingerie Acans' to moi tanky for harmless safe-keeping.

:cheers:Words of Wisdom from Jedi Knight GENICANTHUS


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Now... the dragon has risen!!! The real gems are finally out!!

Mike, after seeing ur awesome tank (not just the gems, but also the excellent condition they are in), shared with Ced that it inspire me to make sure i maintain my tank!

Back to ur topic, I haven't got a clue how to catch ms bell in ur extremely packed tank! I just hope ur very nice SPS staghorn will not be "shortened" during the process..

And... The copperband, I have 2 small and 1 big aiptasia in my holding tank.. Placed it in, and the next morning (yes, less than 10hrs later in darkness) the 2 small ones are GONE! Real hardworker. But it seemed to have not seen the big one (near water surface)..

Btw, I will be out of home for the next few days... Wifey just delivered today... :D so can't monitor the status of the tank. Keeping my fingers crossed..

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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:evil: Main problem is ya neglected hot-babe BELLUS is 'jealous' of ya Acan Gems especially ya 'Pinkie Panty' that has been ya much focus of attention. Ignoring her 'advances' & forgetting her needful pamperings, so revenge she seeks to end her untold 'sufferings'.

:eyebrow: 2 solutions U padawan must take to quick-fix the problem:

(1) Introduce a virile Male Bellus stud to spice up her bored life or

(2) Transfer all ya modesty-intact 'Lingerie Acans' to moi tanky for harmless safe-keeping.

:cheers:Words of Wisdom from Jedi Knight GENICANTHUS

kenna sai, just when i am about to have a wet dream , you appear. Nightmare now. You always aiming for the pink panties or whats inside. :paiseh:

Thanks for your measures. i think i will transfer the virgin blue to your multistorey tank after CG capture it tomolo.


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Now... the dragon has risen!!! The real gems are finally out!!

Mike, after seeing ur awesome tank (not just the gems, but also the excellent condition they are in), shared with Ced that it inspire me to make sure i maintain my tank!

Back to ur topic, I haven't got a clue how to catch ms bell in ur extremely packed tank! I just hope ur very nice SPS staghorn will not be "shortened" during the process..

And... The copperband, I have 2 small and 1 big aiptasia in my holding tank.. Placed it in, and the next morning (yes, less than 10hrs later in darkness) the 2 small ones are GONE! Real hardworker. But it seemed to have not seen the big one (near water surface)..

Btw, I will be out of home for the next few days... Wifey just delivered today... :D so can't monitor the status of the tank. Keeping my fingers crossed..

Congrats...Congrats... :welldone: please pay more attention to both of them. Not the tank and fish... :angry2::angry: Pay attention to your wife and baby.. :agreed:

Btw, not to worry, i train the butterfly to keep the best for the last.The apti will go..

Congrats again.. ( This is an area that Ced should learn from you ) :yahoo:

cheers :lol:

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im not a pro la bro... embarass sey if i cannot trap the fish... jus a humble guy who jus wanna help...:P

Bro.. yellowtang tank is quite high and most of this corals are stick to the rocks.. quite limited space.. all the best !!! no pain no gain~!

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lol really funny la your thread.. all the gems pic finally out le ^^.. still got more havne come out haha..

need help to re-scape you know my number... just ring me

Thank you Oni san. So nice of you.. :thumbsup:

im not a pro la bro... embarass sey if i cannot trap the fish... jus a humble guy who jus wanna help...:P

No pressure man. Its the fish home ground, so not easy. To help is oredi a Victory.. :agreed: the result is a bonus.. :cheers:

Bro.. yellowtang tank is quite high and most of this corals are stick to the rocks.. quite limited space.. all the best !!! no pain no gain~!

Oni San, thats because you are short :poster_oops: but a very very nice gentleman :thumbsup:

will try my very best...

Well, thats good enough, pal :bow:

Cheers :P

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kenna sai, just when i am about to have a wet dream , you appear. Nightmare now. You always aiming for the pink panties or whats inside. :paiseh:

Thanks for your measures. i think i will transfer the virgin blue to your multistorey tank after CG capture it tomolo.


Just chanced upon this thread yesterday, great read..Then login today and someone's about to climax..LOL!! Will stay tuned to see where it ends.

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Haha bro, this incident just happened to me too. My flame angel feasted on my newly acquired aussie acan CF latest shipment (my 1st try) just the very moment I placed it in the main tank. Luckily I had only two aussie acan and managed to safe them by tranfering to my fragging tank. But dont be surprise, even in my frag tank my fox face doing the same LOL. But no worry, coz am having another frag tank as reserve for lps. There no fish and they start to bloom back. Thanks god!

I believed there kinda good taste with the aussie acan as my old fellow acans (normal one five of them) never being touch at all by the fame angel.

Btw you have alot of GEMS there bro, and wish you good luck on your endeavour.

Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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