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DSPS Tank from Thailand


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If you're a big fan of tank builds, then you'll love this story.

There is a guy from Thailand who has built a spectacular 1000+ gallon reef aquarium, sparing no expense. I browsed through the entire build thread on Reef Central, which currently spans over 200 pages, and I must say that this is the single best tank build I've even seen. The tank itself is huge! It stands approximately 4 feet tall, almost 9 feet long about 4 feet deep (front-to-back depth). In addition to its massive size, the system also has a very large refugium, two frag tanks, and a very large sump. Below is a video of this gorgeous beast, and here is the link to the ReefCentral DSPS Tank Build Thread

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Video of this tank.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Chingchai's latest update:

His current fish stocklist:

- Blue Eyes Cardinal Fish (apogon leptacanthus) x 6

- Resplendent Angelfish (Centropyge resplendens) x 1

- Wyoming White Clownfish (Ocellaris clownfish) x 2

- Bartlett Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum) x 7

- Ventralis Anthias (Pseudanthias ventralis) x 5

- Helfrichi Firefish (Nemateleotris helfrichi) x 1

- Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles) x 2

- Gem Tang (Zebrasoma gemmatum) x 2

- Candy Basslet (Liopropoma carmabi) x 2

- Spotted-Gill Cardinal (Apogon chrysopomus) x 13

- Japanese Pygmy Angelfish (Centropyge interruptus) x 2

- Rhomboid Golden Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis) x 1

- Pelicieri Hawkfish (Plectranthias pelicieri) x 2

- Earles Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus Earlei) x 3

- Red Saddled Anthias (Pseudanthias flavoguttatus) x 2

- Crosshatch Triggerfish (Xanthichthys mento) x 2

- Chrysiptera rollandi (Rolland's Demoiselle) x 2

- Peppermint Hogfish (Bodianus Sepiacaudus) x 2

- Snowflake Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris variant) x 2

- Yellow Hawaiian deep anthias (Odontanthias fuscipinnis) x 2

- Neon Wrasse (Bodianus sanguineus) x 2

- Randall's Anthias (Pseudanthias randalli) x 1

- Joculator Angelfish (Centropyge Joculator) x 1

- Cherry Anthias (Sacura margaritacea) x 3

Some of the rarer fishes are in bold.

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his tank is legendary especially the fish.

of coz the sheer size and nice corals are gorgeous too.

but some of the fishes he have..... are unobtainable unless you have super deep pockets and have good relations with some of the biggest names in the fish industry.

the pelicieri hogfish, sagami etc are just out of this world rare. and of coz the earlei wrasses as well.

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This is another thread from one of his good friends. He bought changchi's first marine tank, also mega huge one and nice setup.



I'm still waiting for his Conspic to enter his tank. His conspic is undergg QT while he catch out his queen angelfish.

He is extra cautious this time as this is his second attempt on conspic, the first one did not survive due to the stress from other big angels.

RC this month TOTM features John Copps Tank which is also legendary in terms of fish rarity. As a rare fish geek myself, to me his tank is as interesting and amazing as chingchai's tank.


His two nano tanks are wat impresses me and the fishes intrigues me to no extent!



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  • Senior Reefer

guyanensis butterfly

conspic angel

clarion x king hybrid

latezonatus clown


JUVENILE griffis

burgess x Tinkeri/flavocoronatus hybrid

ventralis anthias

belle's flasher wrasse

marginalis butterfly

juv "armitagei" angel (Flagfin x xanthurus)

this list of fish is earth shattering and ground breaking in terms of rarity and awesomeness. as a fellow fish geek like digiman, this list is like the god's of reefing's shopping list!

not to mention his big main tank downstairs which has

a pair of spawning colini angels.

he also have a trio of flame x rusty hybrids, the ORIGINAL RCT resplendent and fisheri angel breeding pair, the original RCT interruptus angel pair, the resplendent x fisheri hybrid, a pair of semifasciatus swallowtail and he once owned a pair of super super rare debelius angels which were also an RCT original broodstock.

copps single handedly win all other reefers in the world with rare fish collection. and his SPS are intensely beautiful with solid solid colours despite the plethora of big angels!

no one else has such a collection like him.

Don't count Koji wada and his equally amazing collection of fish. koji is a LFS owner so it's diff. copps is a reefer like you and me.

it's this kind of achievements that make a big big impact in the reefing world.

John coppolino, ching chai, Koji wada, kevin kohen, these are some of the demi-gods of the aquarium industry and truly a big big commendation for them.

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  • Senior Reefer

Correction in the list above of copps fishes:

Not juv "armitagei" angel (Flagfin x xanthurus) but the many times rarer goldflake x flagfin angel!

yup thanks for the correction.

it's still an "armitagei angel", but an armitagei from the pacific. goldflake x flagfin.

i was aware copps had a large adult but did not know he had a juvenile one?

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