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Started a nano..seek your advice


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Hi friends,

I am abhishek from India.Very much new to the marine hobby.Started with a nano (I know its wrong but I have done some homework)...

It has been five months since I have set up my tank.

Tank :- 24 in x 15 in(Width) x 12 in (H)= 15 gallons.

Sump :- 24 in x 12 in x 12 in = 10 gallons.

Skimmer :-Reef Octopus 110.

Filteration :-Cheato, skimmer , 15 kgs of liverocks and 5 kgs of live sand from the mid ocean.

Dosing :-No dosing . Only 5 gallon water change every week. Vodka dosing done .

Nitrates :- 0.(API)

Phosphates :- 0.(Salifert)

Lights :-As of now using a 70 W MH 6500K bulb.Will have custom made LEDs in a couple of weeks.18 3 W Cree XPG and XP-E leds ( 9 whirte and 9 blue) with 60 degree optics.

Chiller :- Haven't yet connected but got a second hand Hailea 1/4 HP at a cheap rate.

Livestock:- 1 true percula clown, 1 clarkii clown , 1 yellow watchman goby, 2 feather duster worms.

As of now having only a mushroom as I am awaiting my LEDs.Got a big zoa rock but it just melted away for I suspect its nudis which did so.Newbie so couldn't save it.Today morning found it all white .

I am aiming at a simple zoanthid garden with some LPS.

Will get the corals once I have the proper lights.

Wanted to know if you all always dip your corals before introducing in the main tank?

Will post pics once I have my new lights.Hoping for some help .

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Thank you so much for all your replies..well Coral RX isn't available here in India.So have got to import it from Singapore.Would be of much help if you can tell me where to buy online in singapore.

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