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Help ! My overflow is foaming from Cuscading water

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Realised that my 2 days old cycled new tank is having a layer of foam due to the tall (20") cuscading water though I filled up this column with bio-balls sitting on a plastic light diffuser. Afraid that it will give the 'skimmer' effect and later will accumulate all the undesirables. Anyone encounter the same problem b4 ? Have removed the bio-ballsl and looking for a solution. Overflow is only 5" width. Pls advise urgently. Thanks

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this is happening to my sump also


in chamber F, due to the water level in I is only half-filled, so there is a "waterfall" of ~1ft, creating bubbles/foams and collecting dirt ;) . What i've done is put in a drip plate on top of chamber F, and i put in some carbon in filter bag to slow the fall. so far so gd :D

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Solved my problem last night by raising the light diffuser support about 1" above the water level. So far so good.

Another problem I am still trying to solve is the gushing sound as the water

enters the sump from above. Tried splitting with a T-joint and having 2 cotton 'socks' over the 2 outlets. Can only partially dampen the sound.

Also my new 1060 Eheim is giving an audible humming sound. Hope to get it exchange since it is under warranty.

Advice from anyone is much appreciated.

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Hi Valleyman,

It seems like your tank supplier didn't do a good job on your overflow :( I jus encounter the same problem with Rumour :P (abt the gushing sound entering the sump)

I dun know exactly wat you mean by cotton 'socks' over the two outlets...but i thk using a T-Joint will not totally help to eliminate the sound :blink::wacko: The sound maybe due to insufficient water flowing into your overflow chamber and hence it is ###### air + water into the sump. May I suggest to you to use a PVC valve / ball valve...it acts as a control to the water flowing into the sump and hence raising the level of water in your overflow chamber :) In this way...only water are entering your sump without ###### in any air...this may work(well, at least it works on Rumour's tank). B):unsure: The valve i am talking abt, you can get it at any hardware shop for less than $10 :rolleyes:

Hope tis will help...... :P:D:lol:B)

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It seems like your tank supplier didn't do a good job on your overflow :( I jus encounter the same problem with Rumour :P (abt the gushing sound entering the sump)

I dun know exactly wat you mean by cotton 'socks' over the two outlets...but i thk using a T-Joint will not totally help to eliminate the sound :blink::wacko: The sound maybe due to insufficient water flowing into your overflow chamber and hence it is ###### air + water into the sump. May I suggest to you to use a PVC valve / ball valve...it acts as a control to the water flowing into the sump and hence raising the level of water in your overflow chamber :) In this way...only water are entering your sump without ###### in any air...this may work(well, at least it works on Rumour's tank). B):unsure: The valve i am talking abt, you can get it at any hardware shop for less than $10 :rolleyes:

Hope tis will help...... :P:D:lol:B)


Not to sure whether you can blame the tank maker for the speed on which water from your overflow gushes into your sump.

It is dependant on your pump/turnover.

I use ball valves to control the rate of water flow into my sump, without which, it is also very waterfall-like in volume.

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Well AT,

if the tank supplier is experience enuf, he should have install the ball valve (which you and me suggested) in the 1st place, rite? :unsure:

As far as I know, for a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft tank, wif a 25mm diameter outflow to the sump, you can safely use a Eheim 1060 without the use of any ball valve. No gushing sound or wat so ever.(tat was wat i was told by some one of the LFS)

I am not sure how big is his(Valleyman) tank...but to eliminate those water gushing sound, using a ball valve wif few adjustment it, he should be able to solve his problem. :)

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Thanks guys,

My main tank is 4 2 2 and the hole to sump is about 32mm. Installing a ball valve before the outlet looks like a very good solution. Will do it this weekend. The whole setup is self-design and so can only blame myself for any such problems. But then, what is a hobby without having the fun and satisfaction to have and resolve problems (with the help of you guys). The 'socks' I mentioned are borrowed from my mother who sewed them for her kitchen sink tap. These old folks believe that they can filter away many impurities in our PUB water using these tap socks.

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Ahhh...i thk your hole to the sump too big leh(big hole:P ) jus joking

Tat could be the reason for the gushing sound.

If you are using only 1 Eheim 1060 pump to pump back the water to your foe tank...maybe slightly low... :unsure: becos the turnover is only less than 6x. By the time the Eheim pump the water and reaches your foe tank, the power will be slightly reduced...maybe you can consider a stronger pump?jus a suggestion

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i know that one, its those cotton tap bags right?'

same material as coconut squeeze bags & as me and phang have already found out the hard way- they disintegrate over time in SW.

i tried both(tap & coconut). For me it took abt 2-3wks before cotton breaks down (by bacteria i guess).

have u thought of a spray bar made from same diameter PVC pipe? drill some 1cm holes to allow ample flow straight onto floss.

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A stronger pump suggestion may well be double edged, if you cannot regulate it, you'll have the water flowing into your overflow chamber too fast.

You'll either get a 'Niagara Falls' as Morgan would call it, or a swirling whirlpool ###### in air. Then you'll have more variables to regulate.

The ball valve may help but it can be pretty hard to turn the lever, be careful not to have any breaches from trying too hard.

Plumbing is definately not my ######, and I'd leave it to experts. :blink:

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Maybe I try both - ball valve and spray bar. As for insufficient current flow in foe tank, will try to lower the output pipe to about 1/3 below water level iso just under the lsurface. Hope this will work. Will consider another powerhead only if necessary as was told that as a rule of thumb, 1 head=1 degree increase in water temp. True ?

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