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Sun Wu Kong


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  • SRC Member

The water change might hav help to regained its appetite.

Keep up with your water change and the condition should get better and better.

Do not redose until u see signs of ick again.

Most likely that or the new scape as it has more space to swim now.

I thought of maintaining the Cupramine at 0.5 for a total of 28days then remove

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At least the mistake on the ammonia testkit helped to encouraged the water change.. lol. I like you Scape but really too little space for the other fishes to hide.. maybe add a few smaller rocks..near the side or the back of the tank for the fishes to hide..

Haha zhi dao la slowly la ....

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making of the bonsai


My new baby~~



nice ! seeing fishes like this makes me yearn for a large tank....

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Such a nice AT specimen :wub: i wonder if the only way to keep it successful in the long term is using copper to make it ich free so that it can get stable and feeding first ? :unsure:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

I feel that copper is just to handle ich. As for the feeding part you will have to just keep trying all sorts of food and hope it opens it's mouth >.< or you can go through the QT process too since sps have little fishes ^.^

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a tang's tank!

6 tangs in total. And out of which FIVE acanthurus!

Only a copper tank allows u to stock so many and so quickly.

Once again i'm speechless at the rate u add fishes. Bullet train speed.

So i guess now u r into the next phase: TANG CRAZE.

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Becuase I wanted to abuse my system lol ...

Well u've succeeded then. Your system is severely abused. I think two or three more big fishes your tank will reach its maximum stocking level.

Almost wanted to buy the black tang at Iwarna that day but was afriad that the AT will not welcome him haha

I did not see how big the black tang was. If it is really big as described then there will be a showdown between it and the AT. Go for a smaller 3" BT and u should be safe.

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Almost wanted to buy the black tang at Iwarna that day but was afriad that the AT will not welcome him haha

if im not wrong that Black Tang is bigger than your AT... or maybe around the same size...

cannot imagine what will happen if it went in.. haha...

My Decomissioned 2ft Cube: (31st March 2011)

Carpe Diem~!!!

My Current 4ft X 2ft X 2ft:

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