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Algae for Achilles Tang


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Any other algae recommendations than red bamboo?

you can try caulerpa species like grape or fern too... they r commonly available at LFS... but I found it asexual easily and decay faster than bamboo...

Other alternative, u can try dry RAW seaweeds soak with selcon/garlic solution... :) they love it :thumbsup:


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bought red bamboo from ah beng

will it turn asexual and cause my tank to crash?

thanks again

So far, I found red bamboo less tendency to asexual Vs others.. But, in theory, they will....


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

technically the term is turning "sexual" since it releases spores to grow.

but yeah anyway.. red bamboo is good.

red grapes is even better but they tend to fray and break apart more easily.

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did a little research and for feeding tangs

red bamboo has more positive results as compared to red grape

btw will it harm my tank when it turn "sexual"?

dont want it to crash due to my stupid mistake :(

depending on how big ur tank is, it is usually insignificant.. i keep some red bamboo in my tank for my AT to graze on too.. even when they turn sexual, i have no issues..

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will it cause tank crash if it turns asexual?

any tell tale sign when it is about or turning asexual?


ROT dun let your algae overgrown till overlapping each other.. I found tendency to asexual when certain part didn't reach to light.. therefore, I believe red bamboo less chances turn asexual than others..

tell tale sign? not too sure, normally, I believe too late to realize.. And larger tank water volume might be safer.. But I did notice my caulerpa release milky occasionally when overgrown.. So, trimming is good practice to prevent that..

Below show how Sexual and asexual reproduction take place....




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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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thanks for the info


will monitor and thanks for the science lesson

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hope my AT will pull through

spotted some white spots on its body

thankfully its still feeding

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For me i buy both grape and bamboo. I break those the colonies into two and harvest one in another temporary tank then i give small portions to the new tangs. Place the algae closer to their favourite hidespot so they pay more interest in it and they feel more confortable enjoying it. When they start feeding, i introduce them the dried seaweed, i dip them in garlic solution 1st before putting in. Usually this works for me, hope it helps ;)

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another point is that the garlic mixed in the dried seaweed helps in the ich problems, for me it helps reduces. but it is better to let them have the fresh algae, it helps prevent head & lateral line disease and provides them with better nutrients. i usually go with the dried ones, more convenient :)

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yeah this algae will make them very fat in just one day. good luck on that :thumbsup:

lol fat within a day :fear: ?

You are over exaggerated...:evil: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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look fat within a day, possible

but staying fat, that's the challenge

previously fed my YT with seaweed

next day will look fat but following day, skinny again

You sound logical as It need time to gain weight just like us :P .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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