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Hong kong LFS.


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Hey lemon, the sps were not cheap lei. Only saw 1 shop selling and not as cheap as ours. I wasn't impressed with their selection as well. Maybe, I went at a bad time.

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Hey lemon, the sps were not cheap lei. Only saw 1 shop selling and not as cheap as ours. I wasn't impressed with their selection as well. Maybe, I went at a bad time.


i went to one shop today and saw many nice SPS.

their green staghorn, blue staghorn and desalwii (those we get from bali) are very big wild colonies. much bigger than ours.

and selling quite reasonable. about SGD $35-40 for those big colonies.

but granted only one of the many shops was selling SPS. the rest all cannot make it and price wise, abit ex.

maybe it's just this particular shop so cannot take it as a bench mark :P

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  • Senior Reefer

Hey lemon,

Look out for those hardware shops becos one of them have a livestocks room at the back. It where I spotted a dozen of mitratus butterflies, pseudanthuias ventralis hawaiinesis, baby bandits, tinkerii :eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow:

hardware shop??

where is it?

goldfish street? do you have address?

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resplendent angels!?

illegal and cannot be caught and sold. any that appear in the trade are illegally caught or obtained via special string pulling haha.

cannot find them in Hong Kong. but Japan, yes.

recently 2 were sold in Japan. Bluehabour was selling them.

:poster_oops: Thanks for info.. Cause I getting know from reef.hk forum, Some Thai reefer getting resplendent angel from HongKong.. Mr ChingChai also own one last year but not sure where is the sources...

Anyway, Enjoy your trip & Hope u found some Gems there.. And Happy New Year @ HK :):cheers:


LFS Map in singapore
·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. >((((º>
Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • Senior Reefer

:poster_oops: Thanks for info.. Cause I getting know from reef.hk forum, Some Thai reefer getting resplendent angel from HongKong.. Mr ChingChai also own one last year but not sure where is the sources...

Anyway, Enjoy your trip & Hope u found some Gems there.. And Happy New Year @ HK :):cheers:

oh i see.

i'm unaware that they can be gotten from hong kong.

but i know japan sells them on rare occasions.

thanks and happy new year to u too! :)

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hardware shop??

where is it?

goldfish street? do you have address?

Yea the front of the shop sells hardware and dry goods but behind is where the gems are :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Sorry do not have the address, I only spotted that shop on my last day when I finish my fish shopping. Yes the shop is in gold fish street. Its pretty close to the SMELLY BEANCURD stall.. Just keep walking downwards and peer inside each shop

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  • Senior Reefer

Yea the front of the shop sells hardware and dry goods but behind is where the gems are :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Sorry do not have the address, I only spotted that shop on my last day when I finish my fish shopping. Yes the shop is in gold fish street. Its pretty close to the SMELLY BEANCURD stall.. Just keep walking downwards and peer inside each shop

ok i know where.

i was at the smelly beancurd stall. it's at the end.

how long do fishes take to be sold out at HK!?

there are tons of ppl here and i scared all the mesoleucos will be gone by this sat afternoon.

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ok i know where.

i was at the smelly beancurd stall. it's at the end.

how long do fishes take to be sold out at HK!?

there are tons of ppl here and i scared all the mesoleucos will be gone by this sat afternoon.

Can't make any reservations? Offer to pay a deposit or something?

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i can.

but some of the fishes are way too big to transport.

i'm only allowed maximum 3L of water.

so i'll only bring back some smaller fishes.

i'm bringing back the white faced butterflyfish. i'll bring back some so i share here and introduce some to our market. this fish is very rare here and any butterflyfish lover would definitely want to buy it.

Just wack and check in. Remember to ensure the packs of fishes are place properly in the luggauge and remember not to pump too much air in each bag. The flight is only about 3 hours plus so not much air is needed. I have brought back fishes on 2 different occasion with 100% survival record. Pacific Peppermint hogs are pretty common and cheap there at about SGD$22 each and so are the helfrich dartfish and multi colour angel. Both are about SGD $75 bucks.

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ok i know where.

i was at the smelly beancurd stall. it's at the end.

how long do fishes take to be sold out at HK!?

there are tons of ppl here and i scared all the mesoleucos will be gone by this sat afternoon.

For angels and tangs, FAST! For smaller fishes, AGES! LOL

Previously, I was searching high and low for small 3inches plus blue line angel but could not find any in Singapore. But when i went to HK, I found tons of them, almost every shop has about 20- 30 pieces but guess what? All where gone within 3-4days. Wanted to guy them on the last day of my trip but could not find any. <_<<_<

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  • Senior Reefer

For angels and tangs, FAST! For smaller fishes, AGES! LOL

Previously, I was searching high and low for small 3inches plus blue line angel but could not find any in Singapore. But when i went to HK, I found tons of them, almost every shop has about 20- 30 pieces but guess what? All where gone within 3-4days. Wanted to guy them on the last day of my trip but could not find any. <_<<_<

that's not good then.

there was only about 10 + mesoleucos butterflies and only one LFS had it.

i have to wait thursday, friday, then sat afternoon then can buy.

if all gone by then, then no fate lor. too bad.

that LFS doesn't accept reservations even after i said i'll pay in full first. so i'll just test my luck.

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that's not good then.

there was only about 10 + mesoleucos butterflies and only one LFS had it.

i have to wait thursday, friday, then sat afternoon then can buy.

if all gone by then, then no fate lor. too bad.

that LFS doesn't accept reservations even after i said i'll pay in full first. so i'll just test my luck.

Normal, the lfs in HK usually does not accept reservation even with full payment. Don't bother to bargain with them on the prices as their prices are pretty much firmed as well.

Lemon, try to see what rare fish you can find on this trip. Both my trips are pretty fruitful.

1st trip I saw: Interruptus angel, small blue lines, flame wrasse(they are rare in singapore few years back), peppermint hog(they are pretty rare last time as well), crosshatch trigger

2nd trip I saw: Psedanthias ventralis hawaiiensis, mitratus butterfly, small bandits, tinkerii, small conspics

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that's not good then.

there was only about 10 + mesoleucos butterflies and only one LFS had it.

i have to wait thursday, friday, then sat afternoon then can buy.

if all gone by then, then no fate lor. too bad.

that LFS doesn't accept reservations even after i said i'll pay in full first. so i'll just test my luck.

You have till Saturday to find a gf there. Then next time you can ask her to hold the fish for you till your flight back. :idea:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • Senior Reefer

Normal, the lfs in HK usually does not accept reservation even with full payment. Don't bother to bargain with them on the prices as their prices are pretty much firmed as well.

Lemon, try to see what rare fish you can find on this trip. Both my trips are pretty fruitful.

1st trip I saw: Interruptus angel, small blue lines, flame wrasse(they are rare in singapore few years back), peppermint hog(they are pretty rare last time as well), crosshatch trigger

2nd trip I saw: Psedanthias ventralis hawaiiensis, mitratus butterfly, small bandits, tinkerii, small conspics

today i just casually walk through. so did not notice much of the rare stuff.

today i saw C. mesoleucos, C. larvatus from red sea. this 2 red sea fishes are unobtainable in Singapore at the moment. i want the mesoleucos ALOT but i'm really v worried they won't last till sat. i wont bargain coz the price is v reasonable. around $38 SGD.

also saw koran and maculosus hybrid, conspic angel, and bodianus speciosus. all these are v v vv vv rare in sg. esp the koran hybrid.

i want to see a mitratus butterfly and buy back. many reefers encounter mitratus in HK before and it's a common fish there.

You have till Saturday to find a gf there. Then next time you can ask her to hold the fish for you till your flight back. :idea:


you mean good food? plenty in HK.

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today i just casually walk through. so did not notice much of the rare stuff.

today i saw C. mesoleucos, C. larvatus from red sea. this 2 red sea fishes are unobtainable in Singapore at the moment. i want the mesoleucos ALOT but i'm really v worried they won't last till sat. i wont bargain coz the price is v reasonable. around $38 SGD.

also saw koran and maculosus hybrid, conspic angel, and bodianus speciosus. all these are v v vv vv rare in sg. esp the koran hybrid.

i want to see a mitratus butterfly and buy back. many reefers encounter mitratus in HK before and it's a common fish there.


you mean good food? plenty in HK.

Go find this store call HONG YUN something one. Somewhere near DunDee Street if I am not wrong. Good DIM SUM.

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Lemon, not too sure how you packing the fishes in your luggage.

Usually I put them into lock and lock boxes to prevent accidental leaking or bust bags which will ruin your luggage contents.

I had been using this way of transportation many times for HK and BKK trips.

So far, i can say the lock and lock is very tough and leak proof. and importantly pressure proof too.

Happy buying!


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  • SRC Member

Bro lemon mus be enjoying himself down ther... Maybe src could make an outing to hk lfs... Im sure many reefer would be interested... :)

+ 100,000,000,000

2 places i will go...goldfish street and shoe street (not mongkok for women, although i know some of the brothers here will want to visit as well)

first flight in...last flight out...chop chop

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  • Senior Reefer

Lemon, not too sure how you packing the fishes in your luggage.

Usually I put them into lock and lock boxes to prevent accidental leaking or bust bags which will ruin your luggage contents.

I had been using this way of transportation many times for HK and BKK trips.

So far, i can say the lock and lock is very tough and leak proof. and importantly pressure proof too.

Happy buying!

thanks thomas!

i have those boxes with me :)

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  • Senior Reefer

Dispar anthias, i did not find the hardware shop with the rare fish near the smelly tofu shop.

maybe it's gone?

but i did find a mitratus butterfly today. but it's dying and v unhealthy so cannot buy.

mesoleucos butterfly left 8.

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