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MadKenZ's Rimless 60 Cube


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^_^ Hi guys,

Starting a new tank progress thread for my cube tank. Planning for lagoon reef concept, more open sand bed and minimal live rock.

Tank & cabinet

Display tank dimension: 600 x 600 x 600mm

Sump tank dimension: 450 x 450 x 400mm

Sump Compartments: Filter sock---> Refugium---> Return Pump

Total Volume: 230L

Cabinet dimension: 600 x 600 x 1000mm height

Finish: As usual, Black glossy laminated finish


2" Live aragonite, colour not confirm yet… toying between black and white sand


minimalistic concept, less rock more open sand bed


Mechanical filtration: Filter sock

Biological filtration: Refugium mud + cheato

Chemical filtration: TLF PhosBan Reactor

Skimmer: Not confirm yet, most likely over hung type


Not confirm yet, most likely LED for both display tank & refugium

Wave Motion

Vortech MP 40


Artica 1/4

Return Pump

Eheim compact 3000 or 1262



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Nicely done. Welcome to marine keeping!

Seems like you have done a lot of reading and preparation with the equipment that you are using. :)

Good idea of going minimalist scape too, reduces dead spots for flow.

Looking forward to you tank thread updates and photos would be nice. :)

Mixed reef I suppose??

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Nicely done. Welcome to marine keeping!

Seems like you have done a lot of reading and preparation with the equipment that you are using. :)

Good idea of going minimalist scape too, reduces dead spots for flow.

Looking forward to you tank thread updates and photos would be nice. :)

Mixed reef I suppose??

Yap, going for mixed reef, mainly zoanthids, ricordeas, mushrooms and some soft coral that will occupy the sandbed while sea anemones, clams and montipora on rocks scrape. Will try out some sps frags on hill top in the later stage.

With lesser rocks, hope to create a clean/ zen looks and to generate some kind of lagoon tidal wave if possible.

Tomorrow task… :superman: Fix up pvc piping to return pump, filter sock, chiller and FR.

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Look Nice for equipment.

What you are plan to keep SPS? As look from return pump size of ~3000L/Hrs plus MP40 It's seem high flow rate for 2 feet cube.

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Ken is not new in this hobby lol.. From the tank planing to the equipments and filtration, he surely has done some research.

Ya the cabinet look a little bit thin from the photo, but maybe it is not as thin as it is.. Will be camping here for your update yahoo.gif

What do you intent to keep ? planing any chiller ?

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Ken is not new in this hobby lol.. From the tank planing to the equipments and filtration, he surely has done some research.

HM, you are right... That's the feeling I got when I saw the equipment list as well...

Looks like Ken is an experienced reefer...

Not many will jump into a vortec... (what more a mp40 for a 2' cube... He definitely knows what he wants!)

Look forward for more...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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HM, you are right... That's the feeling I got when I saw the equipment list as well...

Looks like Ken is an experienced reefer...

Not many will jump into a vortec... (what more a mp40 for a 2' cube... He definitely knows what he wants!)

Look forward for more...

I experienced before...I'm sure he will get sandstorm from the MP40 if full force operation :chair: .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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wow i'll be following this thread :) great choice of equipment so far!

perhaps you would like to consider vodka for your nitrates instead of cheato. saves space and electrity on the lighting too :thumbsup:

I'm a all time flavour of refugium. :wub:

some advantages that I can think of;

Natural N/P export by harvesting marcoalgea.

24/7 light cycle maintain constant pH.

Increase oxygenation of sea water

Increase live food webs.

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Look Nice for equipment.

What you are plan to keep SPS? As look from return pump size of ~3000L/Hrs plus MP40 It's seem high flow rate for 2 feet cube.

For return pump, will T-off to FR, the rest to chiller, then to main tank. The flow rate to main tank will be around 2000L or less after head loss. I estimated about 8X turn over.

As for wave maker, don't think can operate at full power, definably will create sand storm within the 2 ft cube, will tune controller for adjustments.

Alternatively, I will go for bare bottom for maximum wave motion :evil: , will see how it go.

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Open back cabinet? The sides look a bit thin from the photo... hope it can sustain the weight of the tank. Looks very sleek overall.

Thanks for the concern, definitely will keep both eyes big :blink: big on the stability of the cabinet when test run the system with tap water. Will get carpenter to add reinforcement if need to.

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Ken is not new in this hobby lol.. From the tank planing to the equipments and filtration, he surely has done some research.

Ya the cabinet look a little bit thin from the photo, but maybe it is not as thin as it is.. Will be camping here for your update yahoo.gif

What do you intent to keep ? planing any chiller ?

SIR!!! Recruit Ken report back to unit!!! SIR!!!

Need to do many research to keep up with the new technology in reefing after decom 2 years ago.

Sir getting old… :chair: planning for mixed reef and chiller using Arctica

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HM, you are right... That's the feeling I got when I saw the equipment list as well...

Looks like Ken is an experienced reefer...

Not many will jump into a vortec... (what more a mp40 for a 2' cube... He definitely knows what he wants!)

Look forward for more...

Since now on planning stage, hope to gather more advices and comments, will change equipment spec along the way. ^_^

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Filled tank with tap water today, 1" water line from glass edges, sleek and rimless effect, but not fish- safe. :sick:

Check for leakage on tank & piping, also test out sump holding capacity to hold access water from main tank duc to power failure.

After fired up mp40, decided to go for bare bottom.


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Sump view, overflow compartment with sock holder, follow by refugium on the left, and return pump + FR.

Very neat piping :rolleyes: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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