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SPS turning brown

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why did you pour so much?

Personally for removal of GFO, I will recommend Rowa or Sorb4; small amount in a FR (:

and for removal of phosphate, I think gentle methods are more acceptable. I personally like heavy skimming and fortnightly water changes. Aggressive removal of nutrients are surely not a good idea for SPS. hence that's why I recommend old methods of using Rowa and carbon to remove organic and inorganic stuff (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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why did you pour so much?

Personally for removal of GFO, I will recommend Rowa or Sorb4; small amount in a FR (:

coz my green hair algae growing like crazy at the back of my wall...like sadako's hair...so thick that it has become homes for pods...

n red slime growing on my live rocks...very unsightly...

in the end, i just get a bottle of algaefix...pour a few teaspoon + lacl3...(this is after i gave away my sps)....

i think i have STN at least 8 colonies of acropora...over a period of 2 months plus...but 4 of them became commandos which i managed to gave them away....

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coz my green hair algae growing like crazy at the back of my wall...like sadako's hair...so thick that it has become homes for pods...

n red slime growing on my live rocks...very unsightly...

in the end, i just get a bottle of algaefix...pour a few teaspoon + lacl3...(this is after i gave away my sps)....

i think i have STN at least 8 colonies of acropora...over a period of 2 months plus...but 4 of them became commandos which i managed to gave them away....

WAH! bro, then I think you got a serious issue of nutrients! Overly rich! I got alot of such issue when I was dosing vodka! :S SPS colors damn nice but the tank overly crowded with HA! :S

Best actually is not to get algaefix. Just get a seahare, a sea urchin and an abalone. Your problem will be solved (: plus of course, manual removal and ALOT ALOT of water changes (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Algae Blenny. Mowns algae 24/365. Very often blinks at she members of the owner.


i ever got one that does not feed on algae...just stare blankly at the furs behind my tank...n eventually died from starvation....

then i tried urchins....but dies whenever i dose LaCl3....

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i ever got one that does not feed on algae...just stare blankly at the furs behind my tank...n eventually died from starvation....

then i tried urchins....but dies whenever i dose LaCl3....

Yup i have one that died from starvation also, then the 2nd one I get, is super hardworking so become pui pui and start to knock down my frag. <_<

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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Any reefer had the success of turning brown sps to colourful beauties? If there are pls post some pics, i think this would inspire fellow reefers to persevere and not give up on brown sps

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Any reefer had the success of turning brown sps to colourful beauties? If there are pls post some pics, i think this would inspire fellow reefers to persevere and not give up on brown sps

hahaha I am currently trying on one. No pics, but the polyps are extended and now looking slight green.

Wonder if it's a valida tho. cause of the green polyps and skinny skeleton :)

Also, I did revive a green pocci frag which was a gift from bro. LYK when he decommed. We left that frag in a plastic bag without water; only with another liverock for 3 hrs and I almost dumped it away that time thinking it was a liverock chip. Without any polyp extension I threw it back into my tank and well, it still survived. Similarly, I coloured back some bleached out sps which was almost lost due to vodka. In fact, they came back stronger and pretty much commmando-like thereafter. Honestly, nothing is impossible in reefing.

Anyway to inspire reefers on,

if you ever get a sps that browned out on you due to various factors, you can always still get back the sps once the parameters are stable and the sps becomes healthier. That's why sometimes I say sps are easier to maintain than zoas. Of course, money wise, the initial investment for sps is high whereas for zoas is low. But, if you have got most of everything right, your sps will naturally colour up and stay that way till you screw things up again (: It's just unlike zoas which will temperamentally melt on you without any reason! Imagine your sps are like tok-kong and growing but your zoas are melting! weird right! (:

Hope this helps.

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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will putting them under the sun helps?...

Not necessary. If you do not have direct sunlight, you may lose the sps. And direct sunlight means higher temperature and perhaps exposure to the weather elements like rain and wind which will add unnecessary trouble to your tank (: I do not know how Irwana maintains that outdoor sps pond but from what i feel, it's not easy. Pretty xiong :S

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Any reefer had the success of turning brown sps to colourful beauties? If there are pls post some pics, i think this would inspire fellow reefers to persevere and not give up on brown sps

Your BOP colony was an example bro. :)

Not sure if I have a picture of it when I took over it though. Need to hunt though the pix library.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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What about those acros with dirty green colour, are they considered as brown? i have a piece that ain't green nor brown but in btw. Any idea if its normal?

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Your BOP colony was an example bro. :)

Not sure if I have a picture of it when I took over it though. Need to hunt though the pix library.

My BOP yesterday had some trimming as tips were covered in algae, so far so good, i see pink with green tinge and full polyp extension. Thanks again for being a foster home.

Will start a thread soon.....hahaha i hope...

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hi guys, do i have to direct the wave maker @ the sps 24/7 or only need to do it a certian of hours?

and and how many hours do you normally on if youre using mh lights?

no direct wave at the sps!!

It might blow off the Sps tissue

Best is to have random wave

Whether you on or off ur mh lights.

U still constant random wave for Sps

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Humilis need very low nutrients and very high light to colour up nicely

Having direct current will indeed blow off sps tissue but only if it is very close. If I have a wake maker blowing direct at a sps at the other side of the tank (depending on how big your tank is, lets say 4 ft), the tissue wont get blown off, but your sps will start to grow funny as it will follow the direction of flow. I once had a digitata that grew downwards :P

Oh, and since i havent been reefing for almost 3 years, I'm just wondering?? Dont you guys use phosphates remove like rowaphos and such anymore?

Yes bro decentkid, we are still using phosphate removal stuff like rowaphos. Cept that now in the market there are more than one method to remove phosphate. Instead of rowaphos, you have like NP biopellets, Prodibio and zeovit methods etc. Similarly we also have unconventional method like vodka and sugar dosing to remove phos and nitrates. In short, we lump them up and call them bacteria/carbon dosing phos removal methods (:

However, after threading over to vodka and back, I still prefer using phosphate removal stuff like rowa except I am using the brand Aqualight. Equally good and less aggressive than bacteria/carbon dosing methods (: SPS still can turn out nice and pretty (:

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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