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Let's see your anemones!!!

Achilles Tang

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Well, let's start with my story first. A sad one though and it happened just last Sunday or rather yesterday.

My family went to a weekend holiday and when we returned, half of my anemone was stuck in the power head. Poor chap was MINCED! Got to spend hours to suck out the bits and pieces of luminous tenacles. This anemone was with me for 6 months and was really healthy and happy in the tank. Dont know the exact name, but the tip of the tenacles are glowing light green in color while the main body is white. Maybe the anemone missed us and committed suicide.

Anyway, life still goes on and this weekend I have to go on shopping trip for a new house for my tomato clown.

Question is how do I prevent my next anemone from commiting suicide.



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I used to have 3 bubbletip anemones in my tank, I slowly got rid of them as they became too much trouble... they were fighting with my corals as they are expanding and overshadowing them.

I won't keep another anemone in my tank unless I can get hold of a rose anemone but even that must be a small one. Anemones grow very fast...

From my experience, they prefer cooler water.

Oh... never ever get a haddoni or carpet anemone... I got a very unusual one that was BRIGHT FLORESCENT green... but it was a MONSTER!!!

It was so sticky that EVERYTHING got stuck to it... my fingers, my tongs, and any fish that bumped into it at night. It was a real killer. I lost a few tangs and one long-nose butterfly fish to it.

I must say that I should have gotten rid of it earlier... but its rarity made me hold back... and i paid the price.

It grew from a 8 cm specimen to a 20cm monster with all the good expensive food it ate... sob sob!


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Here's the evidence that this species of anemones should be avoided at all cost unless you are setting up a species-only tank.

*Sob sob!* :(

The most heart-wrecking victim was my powder-blue tang that was doing well after getting over the ich infection after a few days... and then he went straight into the green demon's mouth...

Here's the last victim before I spent more than an hour trying to remove this green carpet anemone from the bottom glass pane coz he sank his foot all the way down the sandbed.

I think in total he ate 2 tangs and 1 butterfly... all at night when they were blind and must have stumbled into the GREEN DEMON! :angry:


He was bought off a Sri Lankan exhibitor at the last Aquarama exhibition.

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My family went to a weekend holiday and when we returned, half of my anemone was stuck in the power head. Poor chap was MINCED! Got to spend hours to suck out the bits and pieces of luminous tenacles. This anemone was with me for 6 months and was really healthy and happy in the tank.

Question is how do I prevent my next anemone from commiting suicide.

Did you take off the filter strainer off your powerhead? They help to reduce the suction effects from just one inlet point into multiple inlets. But of course, if the anemone decides to wrap around the whole strainer, then the point is moot.

Perhaps a filter sponger over the strainer might be the best protection against anemone suicide... but you'll have to clean the sponge often.

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This one is from my office tank (a nano - 13 litres). It hasn't move from this position either, since I first placed it there.

However, this one has eaten at least 1 damsel and 1 CBS - there was evidence in these two cases. It is a suspect in the disappearence of another damsel.


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i used to have haddoni... bright florenscent green is very nice.. but it ate my blue-spotted sting ray.. when the stupid ray thinks that it is very comfortable to rest!!!...

i also had the unfortuate experience of seeing my new red bubble-tip being sucked into the powerhead.. :( ... and sprewing the tenacles all over the place... and i had to do water changes... and it was like 3am.. when i just came back from clubbing.. and for a moment, i thought my eyes was playing tricks on me..

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Those are Majano sp. anemones! They are considered a pest like Aiptasia except that they are harder to get rid of. Many have tried kalk injections but they don't seem to work very well. Soon the whole tank will be overrun by these monsters!

I think the only way is to take out the rock and chisel the anemone plus surrounding rock away.


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damn, you mean they sold me pests for $10.00. :angry:

But when these rock anemone extend their bodies, they really look like crysanthemun (spelling ?) flower in the tank. Quite nice though.

This weekend going to hunt for those pinkish colored anemone. Anyone seen them lately ? Sorry dun know all the actual and biological name of the sea creatures.

To moderators, may be a good idea to have a quick reference guide in this club with pictures and its common and biological name and all savvy members can contribute.

Better get back to work now. bye.


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Woah! I learnt something new today too! I saw it at the LFS... but I was highly suspicious about it too... it's not commonly put on sale... and from past experience about seeing something rare... and quickly buying it with any homework done... you will end up regretting.

I will share with you guys more about my experiences!

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If you see bright yellow anemones... they are dyed. Yes, some unscrupulous dealers will inject them with colouring for people who don't know better to purchase them.

YOU HAVE BEENED CONNED!!!! :angry: They will die in a matter of weeks.

That is probably the cruelest thing ever done to marine livestock.


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  • SRC Member
damn, you mean they sold me pests for $10.00. :angry:

But when these rock anemone extend their bodies, they really look like crysanthemun (spelling ?) flower in the tank. Quite nice though.

This weekend going to hunt for those pinkish colored anemone. Anyone seen them lately ? Sorry dun know all the actual and biological name of the sea creatures.

To moderators, may be a good idea to have a quick reference guide in this club with pictures and its common and biological name and all savvy members can contribute.

Better get back to work now. bye.


Yup, anemonia majano I think. They're not as difficult to kill as Aiptasia though..... When my 2ft crashed due to ammonia spike all the majanos died.... (i bought some for $10 at hong leong) but hey, I re-setup the tank with same rock and found aiptasia...... <_<

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