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if i can only choose 1...


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Anthias: Bartlett's Anthias

Butterflyfish: Copperband Butterflyfish

Clownfish: Black Ocellaris Clownfish

Dwarf Angels: Multicolor Angelfish

Gobies: Neon Goby

Large Angels: Clarion Angelfish

Predator Fish: Yellow Dwarf Lionfish

Tangs: Achilles Tang

Wrasse: Mystery Wrasse

Others: Moorish Idol

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  • SRC Member

Anthias: Bartlett's Anthias

Butterflyfish: Copperband Butterflyfish

Clownfish: Black Ocellaris Clownfish

Dwarf Angels: Multicolor Angelfish

Gobies: Neon Goby

Large Angels: Clarion Angelfish

Predator Fish: Yellow Dwarf Lionfish

Tangs: Achilles Tang

Wrasse: Mystery Wrasse

Others: Moorish Idol

i would choose

For Anthias : Olive's Anthias

Tangs : Sohar

Others : Red Scotter Benny

Gobies :Shrimp with gobies

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • Senior Reefer

Anthias: Regal anthias (Pseudanthias regalis)

Butterflyfish: Smith's butterflyfish (Chaetodon smithi)

Clownfish: Madagascar clownfish (Amphiprion fuscocaudatus)

Dwarf Angels: Rusty flame angel (Rusty X flame angel hybrid)

Gobies: Flabelligobius sp.

Large Angels: Yellow-masked swallowtail angel (Genicanthus semifasciatus)

Predator Fish: none

Tangs: none

Wrasse: Oh too many! but the one i want MOST is a big healthy alpha male lanceolatus wrasse (Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus)

Others: I would want another fish from the above category. a yellow crowned butterflyfish (Chaetodon flavocoronatus)

i think my christmas wishlist is too hard to fulfill.

regal anthias, smithi butterfly, lanceolatus and flavocoronatus butterfly are all unobtainable :(

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  • Senior Reefer


shrimp with gobies sounds a better option


how about choosing those that is available in sg and not too rare?


haha. ok.

Anthias: Pseudanthis leucozonas. came once before. no one knew what it was and it died in the LFS. irene sell $25, US ppl paying $500.

Butterflyfish: mitratus butterfly. Chaetdon mitratus

Clownfish: latezonatus clown. obtainable wild caught from aussy

Dwarf Angels: rusty flame hybrid. waiting for it to come one day. it's obtainable.

Gobies: flabelligobius. my fren has 2. from reborn!

Large Angels: semifasciatus swallowtail angel. used to be common but now unavailable. waiting for it to reappear again

Predator Fish: none

Tangs: none

Wrasse: pintail wrasse from cebu. cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus.

Others: none

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Anthias:Purple carberryi anthias

Butterflyfish: Tinkerii

Clownfish: Chrysogaster Clown

Dwarf Angels: Hotumantua Angel

Gobies:Draculas (Oops I have liao but there are no other gobies I like)

Large Angels: Bandit Juv

Predator Fish:Red Rhinopias

Tangs: A Black Black Powder black tang

Wrasse: A pair of Iridis wrasse

Others:I want a smithi butterfly pair kekekeke

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Ok mux be available in singapore rite, here's mine,

Anthias: Pseudanthias Hawaiiensis

Butterflyfish: Tinker x Quadrimaculatus hybrid butterfly

Clownfish: A.Leucokranos

Dwarf Angels: Rusty flame hybrid angelfish!

Gobies: Purple head helfrichi goby

Large Angels: Clipperton Angelfish

Predator Fish: Dragon moray eel

Tangs: Tri-colour Koi Tang from Vanuatu

Wrasse: Cebu Pintail Fairy wrasse

Others: Bodianus Sanguineus

Most of the above hav made it to singapore before, except for clipperton angel (which should hav reached us if the fish wasn;t confiscated), tinker hybrid and purple head helfrichi which can be possible to come in thru henry cook island ventralis shipment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

mine's an easier list.. :) to each his own, i like the looks of these fellows..

Anthias: Bartlett

Butterflyfish: Raccoon

Clownfish: Picasso Percula

Dwarf Angels: Golden

Gobies: Helfrichi

Large Angels: Blueface

Predator Fish: -

Tangs: Achilles

Wrasse: Flame

Others: Rhomboid

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here's my humble list :)

Anthias: Sunset Anthias

Butterflyfish: Bluecheek Butterflyfish

Clownfish: -

Dwarf Angels: Colin's Angelfish

Gobies: Cook Islands's Helfrich’s Firefish

Large Angels: Bandit Angelfish

Predator Fish: -

Tangs: Achilles Tang

Wrasse: Rose-band Fairy Wrasse

Others: Bodianus Sanguineus

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

Anthias:Bartlett's Anthias


Clownfish:Picasso Percula

Dwarf Angels:RUSTY FLAME



Predator Fish:BLUE DEVIL





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  • 1 year later...

Anthias: Bartlett's Anthias

Butterflyfish: Copperband Butterflyfish

Clownfish: Black Ocellaris Clownfish

Dwarf Angels: Multicolor Angelfish

Gobies: Neon Goby

Large Angels: Clarion Angelfish

Predator Fish: Yellow Dwarf Lionfish

Tangs: Achilles Tang

Wrasse: Mystery Wrasse

Others: Moorish Idol

after 2 years...did you change your selection?

my changes in bold

Anthias: Alpha Male Bartlett's Anthias

Butterflyfish: Copperband Butterflyfish

Clownfish: Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish

Dwarf Angels: False Shepardi Angelfish

Gobies: Helfrichi Firefish

Large Angels: Bandit Angelfish

Predator Fish: Yellow Dwarf Lionfish

Tangs: Achilles Tang

Wrasse: Vanuatu Mystery Wrasse

Others: another Black Ice Snowflake Clownfish

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