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Set up of my JBJ 24G Nano Tank


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Yup, agree with Ray that nano has it's own beauty. I would recommend you pick small non-aggressive fishes like gobies, fire fishes, true perc etc. Do a research of the fishes you want to get for yr tank and the order of introducing them into yr tank as they might fight with each other. Add livestock very slowly as your bacteria culture is not established yet. When reading yr thread, you have probably jump into adding livestock too quickly. Be patient. You should at least cycle yr tank for 2 mths before adding ls and add them sparringly.

To speed things up, you could add bacteria. I'm using fuana Marin bio with bak. This will help in your algae bloom. You should do weekly water change for a few months until you see less algae in yr tank. That's the price you pay for adding too many LS too quickly. Remember, patience is the key to an enjoyable reef tank. :thumbsup:

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To speed up bacteria grow, just bought the "API" brand, which indicated 'contains dual action live bacteria', hope this will help to increase the bacteria inside my tank.

Have any bro here use "HEKA" sea salt before..? I bought it just now also, the 4kg packet, don't know good or not, i think product from China, 4kg selling at $18.20 only.

To provide a sweet home to my clown, i also bought a purple anemone (replace the one died recently),

so my current inventory still maintain at 5 fishes, 1 gonio & 1 anemone, hope my tank able to cope it. B);)

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Bro, thns a lot for the comments & will take note of it.

Few points have been highlighted:

1) Selection of fish - need to be more careful, choose small & non-aggressive.

2) Add bacteria to my tank due to my cycle duration was too short at the initial stage.

3) Change water weekly for the time being until my tank stabil.

4) Must be Patience - this is the most difficult thing especially for a beginner, always can not tahan to those pretty fish & coral when visit the farm.. :P


you got it bro.. take all the time you want.. dun buy on impulse.. else next time no more $$ to buy the stuff that you really really want.. haha

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Tank update (almost 2 months)

- livestock: 5 fish, 8 LPS & 1 anemone

- skimmerless

- water change from weekly to 10 days

- chiller 24 hrs @ 27C

- lighting 12 hrs daily

Everything seems good, and tank running smooth :thumbsup:

Only thing is facing the space contraint now, difficult to add in more LPS, xian..frustrated.

don't know rescape the rock would help or not, perhaps need to add few rocks, so that can put the LPS on it..?

advice pls...tns.


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