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black sea-horses for sale!


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hi all

selling 5 ponies (3 males, 2 females) on behalf of my fren.

each going for $35, pair for $60.

all measured about 3+ inches long & feeding on frozen mysis.

reefers whom are interested should ensure they have a mature tank as these are originally yellow & orange ponies with red dots but turned black for some reasons unknown.

all are frisky & healthy and hope they will regain their colours back if the tank conditions suit them!

dealing at lakeside mrt station.

pls contact me @94705654 thanks!

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post-3659-001723300 1292837753_thumb.jpg

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Can advise how long these SH been kept in your friend tank and where he/she bought from?

What are the tank temp. for these SH keep? Need more details before decide to get them.

we bought and share 8 from another reefer giving up his hobby about 6months ago.

he got 5 bigger ones while i got 3 smaller ones.

since these are tropical sh we feel they dun require chiller, though i'm running a fan to cool off the water to about 29* in the afternoon.

for mine, i got 1 male whom turned brownish orange & 2 females still retained yellow and orange.

after these few days in my refugium, the 5 sh had changed to brownish black yellow and orange with silver linings(3 orange & 2 yellow with red dots).

maybe due to water quality & water temp as my friend is only having a real simple undergravel filter 2ft sh only tank setup.

or is maybe me having 2 55w pl lightings as i'm having a reeftank setup...

hope u can bring them to former glory as when they are first bought, the colours are vivid as h.reidi aka brazilian sh!

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OK, that means their lifespan are ending soon. Usually, SH only can live around 2-2.5yrs. tank conditions.

Anyway, can I view the SH 1st.? I'm keen to get all of them. Let me know the palce to view.



we bought and share 8 from another reefer giving up his hobby about 6months ago.

he got 5 bigger ones while i got 3 smaller ones.

since these are tropical sh we feel they dun require chiller, though i'm running a fan to cool off the water to about 29* in the afternoon.

for mine, i got 1 male whom turned brownish orange & 2 females still retained yellow and orange.

after these few days in my refugium, the 5 sh had changed to brownish black yellow and orange with silver linings(3 orange & 2 yellow with red dots).

maybe due to water quality & water temp as my friend is only having a real simple undergravel filter 2ft sh only tank setup.

or is maybe me having 2 55w pl lightings as i'm having a reeftank setup...

hope u can bring them to former glory as when they are first bought, the colours are vivid as h.reidi aka brazilian sh!

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