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Hawaiian CB Latz (A. Latezonatus)


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in order for clownfish to breed ie. not take years

a) your water tempt should be between 82 n 84F I believe that would be 28-29C

B) photo period 12 n 12 tropical hours are roughly 12 n 12

c) feed them no less than 5 times daily, but keep an eye on water quality.

d) water quality ammonia=0 nitrite=0 nitrate below 5ppm

Very true for perculas and ocellaris and other tropical clowns. I would'nt want to mess with temperatures too much as the chrysos are doing fine at the current temperature. As they are wild caught I would preferably stick to the temperatures found in the natural habitat and just wait for them to become "ripe". Photoperiod I might shorten by 2 hours and see how it goes. Hopefully they can breed without an anemone. :)

Always something more important than fish.


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Very true for perculas and ocellaris and other tropical clowns. I would'nt want to mess with temperatures too much as the chrysos are doing fine at the current temperature. As they are wild caught I would preferably stick to the temperatures found in the natural habitat and just wait for them to become "ripe". Photoperiod I might shorten by 2 hours and see how it goes. Hopefully they can breed without an anemone. :)

clownfish in captivity do not need an anemone to thrive or spawn.... chrysos come from water temperatures of 26-29C is your chryso pair in your main tank?

shorten your photo period gradually over a 3 week period it helps you fish to adjust without shocking them

Clownfish and Rare Clownfish are my favorite fish.

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If u can get oman and fuscocaudatus i dont see any difficulty in you getting barberi.

its not too difficult... I just like collecting them myself.

Clownfish and Rare Clownfish are my favorite fish.

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clownfish in captivity do not need an anemone to thrive or spawn.... chrysos come from water temperatures of 26-29C is your chryso pair in your main tank?

shorten your photo period gradually over a 3 week period it helps you fish to adjust without shocking them

Hi Zuma, I have them in a partitioned tank all by themselves. It might be the tank size as all I can give them now is a 15 gallon partition. But I'll just continue pumping them with food and hopefully get some eggs soon.

You're so lucky that you are able to collect your own clowns. I believe with you doing it personally, the clowns will be in much better shape upon reaching your tanks. The capture and holding facilities of some transhippers are just so laden with parasites, possible water quality issues which can affect the survivability of the fish considerably during and after shipping.

Always something more important than fish.


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Hi Zuma, I have them in a partitioned tank all by themselves. It might be the tank size as all I can give them now is a 15 gallon partition. But I'll just continue pumping them with food and hopefully get some eggs soon.

You're so lucky that you are able to collect your own clowns. I believe with you doing it personally, the clowns will be in much better shape upon reaching your tanks. The capture and holding facilities of some transhippers are just so laden with parasites, possible water quality issues which can affect the survivability of the fish considerably during and after shipping.

15gals is ok all my clownfish are keep as pairs or singles in 10&15gal tanks but each individual filter for each tank is meant for a 70gal tank.

Clownfish will not spawn if the feel unsafe. Is your partition such that other fish in the same tank is bothering them.

I agree with you on the capture,holding and transhipping. We are not certain if the use of toxic chemicals is still common during the capture process.

The already stressed fish is then further expose to parasites etc.

Clownfish and Rare Clownfish are my favorite fish.

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Got 1 species right. :groupwavereversed:

Lemon, order Amphiprion barberi from Fiji!

should any of your questions including the other members be left unanswered it was not intentional. I'm still finding my way around your forum :)

Clownfish and Rare Clownfish are my favorite fish.

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