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Anemone Dead??


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I have two BTA in my 1 foot tank. This evening when I came home, one of the BTA is floating around with the current, but the other was perfectly alright, still opening well.

Can any one please advise, if I should already take out the anemone, in case it pollutes my small set-up?

Thanks for all advises.

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This afternoon, the mouth open so big that the hole is see through to the other side. Sigh.....took it out immediately, as I found that my other anemone is shrivering up as well....50% water change and now keeping finger crossed that all will go on well.

Thanks for the advices.

BTW, anywhere selling BTA that are not brownish when open? How much does it cost roughly? I want a small one for my one foot tank.

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  • SRC Member

U should re-measure the water condition again. best 100% water change. I did mine when Nitrate is at 120ppm. seen clownfish more happy and feed thru my hands, hehe. and the anmone likes me. dont scare when I touch it.

BTW I must change this water every 1 month so ur 1ft tank is too small cuz mine is 2 ft! 2 anemone is too crowded.

BTW once your anemone opens its mouth wide, u should be careful. its in bad mood/shape. Maybe water condition is bad too. If u made ur water quality good, u will have it shutoff in 2-3 days later

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  • SRC Member
U should re-measure the water condition again. best 100% water change. I did mine when Nitrate is at 120ppm. seen clownfish more happy and feed thru my hands, hehe. and the anmone likes me. dont scare when I touch it.

BTW I must change this water every 1 month so ur 1ft tank is too small cuz mine is 2 ft! 2 anemone is too crowded.

BTW once your anemone opens its mouth wide, u should be careful. its in bad mood/shape. Maybe water condition is bad too. If u made ur water quality good, u will have it shutoff in 2-3 days later

how is is possible to do a 100% water change ??? if u do that than the water will be new salt water. if u do that than whats the point of cycling ? :erm:


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