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Any hardy African fish for beginners?


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Why must be from Africa? If u are looking for beginner fishes den try bali or philippines shipments, they are cheaper. African fishes are more expensive.

There are west africa shipment and east africa shipment, and many varieties of fishes.

u need to be more specific in the type of fishes u wan like angels, or wrasses, or butterfly etc. Cos most of them from Africa are not difficult.

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Thanks to lemonlemon and digiman. Actually, I've quite a number of fishes from indon and Hawaii shipment so would like to try 1 from Africa if it's not too expensive. I've google the recommended fish by lemonlemon. Looks nice on the photo. I'll see the price. If it's beyond my means... I'll definitely buy it. Thanks again.

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Thanks to lemonlemon and digiman. Actually, I've quite a number of fishes from indon and Hawaii shipment so would like to try 1 from Africa if it's not too expensive. I've google the recommended fish by lemonlemon. Looks nice on the photo. I'll see the price. If it's beyond my means... I'll definitely buy it. Thanks again.

Below are some other recommendations apart from those mentioned by lemon.

Flameback dwarf angelfish is an easy dwarf angelfish from africa, v beautiful also. Iwarna now has a lot.


Midas Blenny from africa and maldive. Easy and nice. Iwarna now has a few.


Allardi Clownfish, easy clownfish from africa. Iwarna now has a lot.


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  • SRC Member

Africa indigenous Flame back Angelfish. Ditch your damsels.... unless they are exotic ones.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Very nice recommendation and wanted to buy the flameback but aunty say better don't cause I have damsel. Same size so might attack the flameback. Anyway didn't see the Midas n clownfish. Are these 2 more expensive than flameback? Thanks.

Midas blenny and allardi clown are cheaper than the flameback if i'm not wrong.

There are a lot of allardi clowns, midas blenny got a few. Dun think they are all sold, ask auntie the next time u are there. Ask her if still hav midas blenny and african clowns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again to Digiman and Iskay for the advices. As for my damsels, I've donated a lot to my uncle. Hehe. Left only 2 pieces that I quite like. Not sure if it's exotic. Probably not cause it's cheap. It's the type where the top and bottom of the body is yellow and the main part are blue. Always like to spread it's top fin. Also it's very very hardy. Just came back from 10days holidays and the food timer finished Still survive.

As for the Midas recommended by Digiman, I'll definitely give it a shot the next time it comes. Thanks.

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