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About live rocks!

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You can find live rocks in many local LFS i.e; Marine Life, Irwanna, Pinnacle, reborn ect.. Price ranges from 6.00 / kgs to 15.00 / kgs depending on the grade / shape and origin.

Or you can also find some good hunt at the pasa malam section at times whenever some reefer decomm their tank.

Welcome and Happy reefing ! :)

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bro, you can try coral farm or lck also... btw i'm staying at yew tee also... if you going to try on lck area, maybe we can meet up n go together. cos i just restarted my tank n need just one piece nice shape rock..anyway happy reefing..

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Alright thanks! I been looking but no one seems to be selling any live stones here so I went to LFS get one instead since I only need a 2kg rock. So I just adjust the salinity and soak for how long? My rock has been left inside a pain for more than 6hrs dry already =\

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if it drys out alr. u can put into ur tank since u r still cycling and if there is lr in there alr.

but note that if u put in now ur cycling starts from today due to massive die offs from the lr.

another way will be to "cure" ur liverock.

cycle the lr in another tank or pail.

add tank water in there. run with skimmer as it will stink!

give aeration e.g wavemakers

dose bac sparingly into the pail helps to clean it faster.

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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if it drys out alr. u can put into ur tank since u r still cycling and if there is lr in there alr.

but note that if u put in now ur cycling starts from today due to massive die offs from the lr.

another way will be to "cure" ur liverock.

cycle the lr in another tank or pail.

add tank water in there. run with skimmer as it will stink!

give aeration e.g wavemakers

dose bac sparingly into the pail helps to clean it faster.

Cycling period is still the same... :paiseh:

Might as well throw into the tank and dose bacteria into the tank itself?

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Ukiya: if u dont have any lr then juz dump the lr into the tank.

terrryz: i suggest that to avoid the terrible smell that will pollute the tank area and also cycling time not exactly the same if he have alr cycled his tank with lr 2 weeks ago and these are supplyment to the tank.. thats what i experience before. :)

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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Ya that's the one! My water parameters seems ok for livestock already i guess o.o?

pH 8.2

Salinity 1.024

Nitrite 0

Nitrate(Didn't test cause LFS told me it'll surely be 0 if using NitrateMinus)

Ammonia(Using the AmmoniaAlert) 0

Not going to keep any corals anytime soon.

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^ nitrate is the one that you SHOULD test.. it will almost never be zero.. below 20 is good enough..

the cycle goes like this:

ammonia spike

ammonia drops, nitrite spikes

nitrite drops, nitrate spikes

nitrate drops (to below 20) <---- this is the stage where ur cycling is complete and safe for livestocks..

is AmmoniaAlert the paste-on thinggy? i think its not accurate, i advice using more accurate tests such as API or salifert etc..

all the best!

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