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Dear Reefers,

Due to house moving, I have decom'ed my tank. I am now clearing my store room and have the following additives from EcoSystem Aquarium, USA,

for sale - real CHEAP.

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3-Parts Calcium Supplement (based on the popular Balling Method)

- Part A 473 ml (carbonate alkalinity)

- Part B 473 ml (minerals)

- Part C 473 ml (calcium & magnesium)

Price for whole set - $20


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Iodine 473 ml - $10

Strontium 473 ml - $10

NF Metal 473 ml - $10

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Buffer dKH 900g - $20

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Kalkwasser 600g - $20

I find these very easy to use - just add directly to tank water. No need to spend time mixing powder in water.

Dosage is generally 20ml per 200 litres of water every week or so. So each bottle will generally last 2 - 3 months.

You can go to the manufacturer's website at www.ecosystemaquarium.com to read up more.

If interested, please contact me on 97470599 (do not pm)

Hurry to avoid dissappointment. You can never get these kind of prices anywhere else.

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Dear Reefers,

I only have these left. The 4 bottles of additives form a complete dosing set to give your aquarium all the necessary minerals based on the acclaimed "Balling Method". In case you are not familiar with the Balling Method, I have included a brief introduction below. You can of course search the net to learn even more about this popular method.

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3-Parts Calcium Supplement (based on the popular Balling Method)

- Part A 473 ml (carbonate alkalinity)

- Part B 473 ml (minerals)

- Part C 473 ml (calcium & magnesium)

- NF Metal 473 ml (Manganese, Zinc, Potassium, Nickel, Cobalt, Chromium, and other Alkali Trace Minerals)

Price for whole set - $20

- enough to last 1 - 2 months for an average-size tank

- easy to use, just measure and pour solution directly into tank

- you can never find this kind of prices again

If interested, please contact me on 97470599 (DO NOT PM)

Hurry to avoid dissappointment.

The Balling Method - Intro

Continued improvements in techniques, and advancements in aquarium technology, have made the successful maintenance and propagation of more and more corals in the reef aquarium a reality, and have necessitated the development of some type of effective dosing system to deliver elements, such as calcium and carbonates, which are vital to the well-being of many of these reef-building organisms. In the early 1970s, a breakthrough in this area was made by German aquarist, Peter Wilkens, who advocated the use of calcium carbonate water in the aquarium. In this method, a saturated calcium hydroxide solution was “fed” into the aquarium, drop by drop, via a thin tube, but, this technique also caused a significant rise in pH.In 1994, Ernst Pawlowsky, of Germany, introduced a new method of calcium supplementation, which soon became quite popular in the United States — Calcium part A and Calcium part B. At the same time, Rolf Hebbinghaus, of Germany, produced the calcium reactor, and Hans-Werner Balling developed the “Balling Method” of calcium supplementation.By 1996, continued improvements in the Balling Method made it the method of choice for dosing reef aquariums with essential elements, such as calcium, magnesium, among others, and maintaing adequate carbonate hardness (alkalinity). When used correctly, all levels of major elements remain constant, with calcium levels at 420 mg/l, magnesium at about 1300 mg/l and carbonate alkalinity at 7 dKH. According to numerous German aquarists who have been using the Balling Method (see Steps 1-5 below), although this methodology has accounted for a doubling is size of small-polyped stony (SPS) corals in their aquariums within about 100 days, coloration has been compromised unless the following trace elements are also add (Step 6): Iodine, iron, strontium and NF Metal. What follows is a comprehensive, step by step, description of the ECO Balling Method for supplement calcium, magnesium and other minerals and trace elements, and maintaing carbonate alkalinity at natural seawater levels.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Super Deal - $10 for all 4 bottles:


- Part A 473 ml (carbonate alkalinity)

- Part B 473 ml (minerals)

- Part C 473 ml (calcium & magnesium)

- NF Metal 473 ml (Manganese, Zinc, Potassium, Nickel, Cobalt, Chromium, and other Alkali Trace Minerals)

You will never find another deal like this. So hurry, contact me on 97470599 to avoid dissappointment.


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